Sunday 11 December 2022

Your Leaders are not to solve your problems

 Your leaders are not here to solve your problems.

How can they?
They survive on your problems. Once problems solved, they shall be needed no more. Hence they create problems, if there are no problems.
In fact, they are the problems themselves.
~ Tushar Cosmic

What is science in fact

 Science is not limited to what is taught in schools.

Physics - Chemistry - Biology.
No, every idea that is based on facts and logic is Science. And a person having opinions based on facts and logic is Scientific, a Scientist.
~ Tushar Cosmic

An idea which doesn't generate a debate is impotent. ~ Tushar Cosmic

You crticise Albert Einstein or his 'Theory of Relativity'or Newton or his '3rd law of motion', no Scientist is offended and threatens to kill you. But you criticise religions, you shall be threatened, beaten or killed. Why? Because science is real and religions are fake. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Every one must have a right to be wrong. ~ Tushar Cosmic

I am not Cheap that is why I am Expensive. ~£¥$~ Tushar Cosmic

Everyone has the right to be wrong via multiple ways, the only problem is when the one insists that only his way is right. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Rahul Gandhi Bharat Jodo Yatra

 This Gandhi mother & son duo are on the WALK from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Just for the sake of regaining lost grounds in Public. But this is an idiotic exercise by these two idiots.

They have no plan for a better India.
Moreover, they are pro-Islamic and pro-minorities. Mojority of this country i.e. Hindu society, that understands it now.
They are not worthy of playing as a good opposition what to say of making a Govt in the Centre?
No, they are a gone case. Gone forever.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Disrespect on social media

 People are full of disrespect against people having different opinions. Social media is the proof. You post something logical but outragious, many would shower you with abuses and personal attacks.

KFC and Jannat

KFC is Heaven for the fried Chicken lovers but Hell for the Chickens.
Now think about the 72 Hoors serving the good Muslim men in Jannat.
Just think.
Tushar Cosmic

Ex Mulsims

 Ex-Muslims are on YouTube debating against Islam. The point to be noted is Me Lord that most of them are hiding their faces.

Islam doesn't allow criticism. Islam literally means surrendering oneself. These Ex-Muslims are Critics of Islam, might get killed which is why they are covering their faces. Simple.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Questioning existence of God

 First, there is no proof of the existence of God.

Second, there is no proof that if He exists, your SMS, WhatsApp, FB messages reach to him
Third, there is no proof that if your messages reach him, he responds.
Fourth there is no proof that if he responds, he responds according to your wishes.~ Tushar Cosmic

Islam is creating fanaticism allover world

Due to Islam, other religions are becoming like Islam..

Kiriya~ ?

I often attend Kiriyas.

What do I see?
People are politicizing/professionalizing even the deaths.
They send messages about these Kiriyas in various online business groups and then a lot of people attend the Kiriyas. This whole gathering is not to share the grief or sorrow or memories related to that death. No. This is totally a business affair.
People are called to strengthen business relationship, people visit to strengthen the business relationship.
That's it.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Retarded Boyz?

I see many boy kids retarded in our locality.

Why boys?
What can be the reason that less number of girls are retarded?
The reason
over- love
Don't cripple your kids. Make them hard, strong, so that they can face the ups and downs of life. Life is a jungle out there.
You know?
~ Tushar Cosmic

Democracy is the Govt of Majority.Majority is idiotic. Democracy is the Govt. of the Idiots.

 Democracy is the Govt of Majority.

Majority means bigger crowd.
And crowd is retarded usually.
Even Socrates was poisoned by the will of Majority. Jesus was crucified on the demand of Majority. Majority is idiotic. That is why our leaders seem so idiotic, so primitive, and so dumb-headed.~ Tushar Cosmic

I am a irreligious

 I don't bow in Temples but I bow to Sun, Trees, Air, Earth, Moon. I bow to Sweeper, Cobbler, Garbage Collector, Rickshaw Puller.

I am an irreligious person.
I draw my life lessons not from the Holy Books.But I learnt life from world literature.
I am irreligious.
I don't care for Holy men but I love Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Chehav, Tolstoy, Shiv Batalvi, Munshi Prem Chand...
I am irreligious.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Holy men supporting superstitions of each other

 When a Holy man of a particular religion says to the Holy man of another religion, "You don't attack our religious beliefs and sentiments and we shall not attack yours."

It simply means, "You don't rip apart our superstitions and bullshit beliefs and we shall not rip apart yours."
Mutual benefits.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Animal are animalistic

 Within last 6 months, I have been attacked by a Dog, a Monkey, an Eagle and mutiple mosquitoes. I learnt, These creatures attack just to Kill or hurt or feed themselves. Dog, monkey and eagle... all attacked me from the backside. Why? Because they knew that from the front side, I may defend or attack. For them, I was just prey.

I learnt something. What? Love of animals must be limited. Animals are just animalistic. If a human being is weak or alone or defenceless, the one can easily be wounded or killed by the animals. Dogs have killed may times human kids, even grownups.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Virtual Life is more real than real life.

Online life is called virtul life. Virtual means something which is not real but looks like real. Great! The fact is real life is not real

It is phony. We walk, talk, laugh, weep...everything of ours is naqli. But in online life, we have freedom of expression, freedom to hide behind fake id's, fredom to get rid of anyone by blocking. So our real self is more visible in our online life.
Virtual life is more real than our real life. ~ Tushar Cosmic