Tuesday, 25 July 2023

*Questions and Answers on Hindutava/ Hindu Religion *

There is no religion as Hindu religion. Though people living here in the land called Bharat (India) were having diverse religious kind of beliefs and diverse ways of worshipping. But that did't fall under the strict frame of religion (Deen or Mazhab) like Islam. There was no strictness. Anyone could worship anyway. Ofcourse there were discords. There had been bloody fights also amongst people over these discords still because of the lack of strong frames/ circumferences like Islam, these discords were not as strong as there are between Islam and the other religions.

Now whatsoever
religious kinda strictness is visible in the so-called Hindu society that is also because of Islam. This strictness is just to confront Islam and Islam like social and cultural invasion. This Hindutava, the concept of Hindutava is just to confront these invasions. Otherwise there is no definition of Hindu or Hinduism and even of Hindutava. Whatsoever definition is being given, that has been carved and crafted very loosely, very much forcibly. This definition is just like a piece of ice. You just give a heat and this peice starts melting down and becoming shapeless.
Now a common Hindu might get startled going through this analysis.
There is nothing like Hindu religion or Hinduism or Hindutava! Ha!! As if something is suddenly lost.
But no. Nothing is lost. This is something very positive for this society. This loosening of religiousness is a boon not a bane. This loosening has given a raise to logical prowess and the the result is people having roots in this so-called society are becoming world class leaders. Nasa, World bank, Pepsi, Google, microsoft and so many other Public or Private concerns are having there chiefs whose roots somewhere belong to this so-called Hindu society. UK PM is another example.
But there is another twist. Many people raise a question that many of these people are not Indians now or don't consider themselves as Hindus.
Good. A valid point.
Here a deeper look is required. Yes, many of these world leaders don't have Indian Citizenship and don't consider themselves as Hindus but they could rise because they had roots, connections with a society which was liberal in thinking, which was not religious in terms of Islam, which was not Islam like, which was not religious infact in terms of religiousness, which is called Hindu but actually is not Hindu because there is nothing which can be called Hindu. And this society must maintain this nothingness. This nothingness shall create more world leaders, inventors and artists. From this nothingness a better humanity may emerge. And on the other hand, people with Islam and Islam like beliefs shall have the fate of Seria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bomb blasts, killings, terrorist attacks.
"Every Muslim is not a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim."
"A Muslim can happily live amongst Non-Muslims but not vice versa."
"Muslims fight and kill not only Non-Muslims but Muslims."
Such are the social notions.
That is why, I conclude that lack of Deen, lack of religious strictness, lack of religiousness like religiousness is a boon for this so-called Hindu society which is not Hindu in fact.
~ Tushar Cosmic

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