Thursday 29 September 2022

Arguing with Theists against Religion is Useless

Never argue about religions with staunch religious people. They have become religious by renouncing rationality.

They believe in flying a monkey and a donkey.
They believe in the afterlife though none has sent any SMS or email after dying.
They believe in a God sitting somewhere in the Himalayas or Space or under the Ocean though nowhere He has been found. They are strangely irrational creatures.
Nature made human beings capable of being the most intelligent but religions turned them into super most idiots.
It is useless to argue with theists on Religions. These people believe in strangely illogical things.
Someone's god ate Sun, and Someone's diety cut the moon. And the Holy books got downloaded directly from the sky!
And Muslims! You cannot criticize anything in Islam, if you do, you might get hurt.
Why argue then?
~ Tushar Cosmic

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