Monday, 31 July 2023

Victims of Islam

 The biggest victims of Islam are not Non-Muslims but Mulsims themselves.

Society hates Intelligence

 So you think schools and families want to make the kids intelligent, respect the intelligence. No. None wants to make you intelligent. None respect Intelligence. Every one wants to keep you retarded, mediocre, idiot. Intelligence is fire. Real fire. An intelligent person, real intelligent person is disrespected, hated by the society.

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Fail Indian Judicial machinery~ Methods to revive it

Until videos of Court proceedings are online
Dates are given between 7 to 15 days, it is almost impossible to expect Justice.
A Court date is called *Date of Hearing*.
Indian Judges are so rude, so bossy, so egoistic, so deaf that it is wrong to call the dates as *Dates of Hearing*.
Half the time, the judge is not ready to hear and half the time, whatsoever he hears, he understands wrong.
Indian Judiciary is almost failed. Let's start an online campaign. Write on every platform, send messages to every friends and demand online video sharing of the Court proceedings.
Most of the Public servants are autocrats. Almost zero accountability.
Indian judges are most autocrats. They behave just like gods. Actually, they have been given godlike powers. And whenever, wherever public gives blind power to anyone, such power is gonna used against public.
The same is happening in Indian court. These courts are supposed to deliver justice but they deliver dates. Judges are supposed to understand the cases via lawyers but they are not ready even to listen properly.
Online video streaming and 7 to 15 days gaps in dates is the only solution. In a republic, Courts are for the public. But today, it seems Public is for Court, Public is the servant of Courts.
Nani Palkhivala once said, “Law may or may not be an ass; but in India, it is a snail – it moves at a pace which would be regarded as unduly slow in a community of snails.”
The people who are enjoying never like a change. They want to maintain a status-quo. So is Indian Judiciary. It is almost a failure. Reform in judicial sytem is expected from inside, by judiciary itself, which is never gonna happen. Only public pressure can being changes. Public must put pressure on Govt as well as on Judiciary to revive this Dead sytem.
*Tushar Cosmic*

*Questions and Answers on Hindutava/ Hindu Religion *

There is no religion as Hindu religion. Though people living here in the land called Bharat (India) were having diverse religious kind of beliefs and diverse ways of worshipping. But that did't fall under the strict frame of religion (Deen or Mazhab) like Islam. There was no strictness. Anyone could worship anyway. Ofcourse there were discords. There had been bloody fights also amongst people over these discords still because of the lack of strong frames/ circumferences like Islam, these discords were not as strong as there are between Islam and the other religions.

Now whatsoever
religious kinda strictness is visible in the so-called Hindu society that is also because of Islam. This strictness is just to confront Islam and Islam like social and cultural invasion. This Hindutava, the concept of Hindutava is just to confront these invasions. Otherwise there is no definition of Hindu or Hinduism and even of Hindutava. Whatsoever definition is being given, that has been carved and crafted very loosely, very much forcibly. This definition is just like a piece of ice. You just give a heat and this peice starts melting down and becoming shapeless.
Now a common Hindu might get startled going through this analysis.
There is nothing like Hindu religion or Hinduism or Hindutava! Ha!! As if something is suddenly lost.
But no. Nothing is lost. This is something very positive for this society. This loosening of religiousness is a boon not a bane. This loosening has given a raise to logical prowess and the the result is people having roots in this so-called society are becoming world class leaders. Nasa, World bank, Pepsi, Google, microsoft and so many other Public or Private concerns are having there chiefs whose roots somewhere belong to this so-called Hindu society. UK PM is another example.
But there is another twist. Many people raise a question that many of these people are not Indians now or don't consider themselves as Hindus.
Good. A valid point.
Here a deeper look is required. Yes, many of these world leaders don't have Indian Citizenship and don't consider themselves as Hindus but they could rise because they had roots, connections with a society which was liberal in thinking, which was not religious in terms of Islam, which was not Islam like, which was not religious infact in terms of religiousness, which is called Hindu but actually is not Hindu because there is nothing which can be called Hindu. And this society must maintain this nothingness. This nothingness shall create more world leaders, inventors and artists. From this nothingness a better humanity may emerge. And on the other hand, people with Islam and Islam like beliefs shall have the fate of Seria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bomb blasts, killings, terrorist attacks.
"Every Muslim is not a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim."
"A Muslim can happily live amongst Non-Muslims but not vice versa."
"Muslims fight and kill not only Non-Muslims but Muslims."
Such are the social notions.
That is why, I conclude that lack of Deen, lack of religious strictness, lack of religiousness like religiousness is a boon for this so-called Hindu society which is not Hindu in fact.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Average human being is just an Idiot

 Evidence:- In the name of Corona, the whole world has been fooled. No upheavals. Taken so easily. No questioning, no cross questing. The world goes on as if nothing happened.

Monday, 24 July 2023

There is no concept of Dargah or Shrine worshipping in Islam

 It is another misconception that Dargah of Nizamuddin or Ajmer Sharif or any other Dargah is a Muslim place of worship. No. There is no concept of Dargah or Shrine worshipping in Islam. Rather it is considered a Shirk (a type of sin). Neither such places nor the worshippers of such places have anything to do with Islam.

Sufis are not Muslims

 It is a misconception that Sufi Saints are Muslims and Sufism is an offshoot of Islam.

There is no Sufi no Saint in Islam.
A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim.
And Sufies are rebels among Muslims. There words are against many beliefs of Islam that is why there shrines are often bomb blasted in Pakistan. Multiple deaths happen.~ Tushar Cosmic

Sexual orgasm is not just a physical phenomenon, it is mental also.

 Do you know that many girls just fainted or reached orgasmic trance just by watching Michael Jackson on the stage?

Sexual orgasm is not just a physical phenomenon, it is mental also. Or perhaps more mental than physical.
~Tushar Cosmic

No concept of defined religion, no concept of fixed culture in INDIA

 This land which is called "Bharat" had no concept of Nation State, No concept of defined religion, no concept of fixed culture. Hinduism/ Hindutva too is a forcibly devised concept just to confront Abrahamic religions and all other foreign ideologies.~Tushar Cosmic

Heredity (DNA) or Environment

 Heredity (DNA) or Environment? It is not DNA that decides your life. No. There is an age-old debate in psychological studies between Heredity and environment. Which effects more? My conclusion is, it is the environment, not the heredity, not the DNA that decides human life.

Of course heredity plays its own role in appearances but appearances don't matter much and what's heredity? That too is a result of the collective environment of our ancestors.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Real Guru makes you more confused.

If you are confused, the real Guru never gives you solutions.

Real Guru makes you more confused.
Solutions come outta that Confusion.
And with those solutions comes Clarity. Clarity of vision.

I, me, myself

 I am never alone.

I, me, myself...three of us are always talking with each other.

Aruna Sairam

 Aruna Sairam, a Vocalist.

A musician.
A magician.
I like her.

My Words...I myself don't understand

 A friend told me yesterday that he fails to understand my philosophical words many a times.

Take it easy dear ones. I myself don't understand my words many a times.

Ex-Muslim Youtube

 Various YouTube Channels of Ex-Muslim's are a gift to humanity. Watch and spread as much as possible. They are logical. They are scientific.

Ixxxlaaaam is not a religion.

 Ixxxlaaaam is not a religion.

But in the garb of religion, it is a political and military kinda ideology to overtake and overcome the world.

Value of Philsophy

 You don't understand the value of philosophy.

It is the shallowness of the understanding of philosophy that is the basic reason of almost every problem of human beings.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Your Leaders are not to solve your problems

 Your leaders are not here to solve your problems.

How can they?
They survive on your problems. Once problems solved, they shall be needed no more. Hence they create problems, if there are no problems.
In fact, they are the problems themselves.
~ Tushar Cosmic

What is science in fact

 Science is not limited to what is taught in schools.

Physics - Chemistry - Biology.
No, every idea that is based on facts and logic is Science. And a person having opinions based on facts and logic is Scientific, a Scientist.
~ Tushar Cosmic

An idea which doesn't generate a debate is impotent. ~ Tushar Cosmic

You crticise Albert Einstein or his 'Theory of Relativity'or Newton or his '3rd law of motion', no Scientist is offended and threatens to kill you. But you criticise religions, you shall be threatened, beaten or killed. Why? Because science is real and religions are fake. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Every one must have a right to be wrong. ~ Tushar Cosmic

I am not Cheap that is why I am Expensive. ~£¥$~ Tushar Cosmic

Everyone has the right to be wrong via multiple ways, the only problem is when the one insists that only his way is right. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Rahul Gandhi Bharat Jodo Yatra

 This Gandhi mother & son duo are on the WALK from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Just for the sake of regaining lost grounds in Public. But this is an idiotic exercise by these two idiots.

They have no plan for a better India.
Moreover, they are pro-Islamic and pro-minorities. Mojority of this country i.e. Hindu society, that understands it now.
They are not worthy of playing as a good opposition what to say of making a Govt in the Centre?
No, they are a gone case. Gone forever.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Disrespect on social media

 People are full of disrespect against people having different opinions. Social media is the proof. You post something logical but outragious, many would shower you with abuses and personal attacks.

KFC and Jannat

KFC is Heaven for the fried Chicken lovers but Hell for the Chickens.
Now think about the 72 Hoors serving the good Muslim men in Jannat.
Just think.
Tushar Cosmic

Ex Mulsims

 Ex-Muslims are on YouTube debating against Islam. The point to be noted is Me Lord that most of them are hiding their faces.

Islam doesn't allow criticism. Islam literally means surrendering oneself. These Ex-Muslims are Critics of Islam, might get killed which is why they are covering their faces. Simple.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Questioning existence of God

 First, there is no proof of the existence of God.

Second, there is no proof that if He exists, your SMS, WhatsApp, FB messages reach to him
Third, there is no proof that if your messages reach him, he responds.
Fourth there is no proof that if he responds, he responds according to your wishes.~ Tushar Cosmic

Islam is creating fanaticism allover world

Due to Islam, other religions are becoming like Islam..

Kiriya~ ?

I often attend Kiriyas.

What do I see?
People are politicizing/professionalizing even the deaths.
They send messages about these Kiriyas in various online business groups and then a lot of people attend the Kiriyas. This whole gathering is not to share the grief or sorrow or memories related to that death. No. This is totally a business affair.
People are called to strengthen business relationship, people visit to strengthen the business relationship.
That's it.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Retarded Boyz?

I see many boy kids retarded in our locality.

Why boys?
What can be the reason that less number of girls are retarded?
The reason
over- love
Don't cripple your kids. Make them hard, strong, so that they can face the ups and downs of life. Life is a jungle out there.
You know?
~ Tushar Cosmic

Democracy is the Govt of Majority.Majority is idiotic. Democracy is the Govt. of the Idiots.

 Democracy is the Govt of Majority.

Majority means bigger crowd.
And crowd is retarded usually.
Even Socrates was poisoned by the will of Majority. Jesus was crucified on the demand of Majority. Majority is idiotic. That is why our leaders seem so idiotic, so primitive, and so dumb-headed.~ Tushar Cosmic

I am a irreligious

 I don't bow in Temples but I bow to Sun, Trees, Air, Earth, Moon. I bow to Sweeper, Cobbler, Garbage Collector, Rickshaw Puller.

I am an irreligious person.
I draw my life lessons not from the Holy Books.But I learnt life from world literature.
I am irreligious.
I don't care for Holy men but I love Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Chehav, Tolstoy, Shiv Batalvi, Munshi Prem Chand...
I am irreligious.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Holy men supporting superstitions of each other

 When a Holy man of a particular religion says to the Holy man of another religion, "You don't attack our religious beliefs and sentiments and we shall not attack yours."

It simply means, "You don't rip apart our superstitions and bullshit beliefs and we shall not rip apart yours."
Mutual benefits.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Animal are animalistic

 Within last 6 months, I have been attacked by a Dog, a Monkey, an Eagle and mutiple mosquitoes. I learnt, These creatures attack just to Kill or hurt or feed themselves. Dog, monkey and eagle... all attacked me from the backside. Why? Because they knew that from the front side, I may defend or attack. For them, I was just prey.

I learnt something. What? Love of animals must be limited. Animals are just animalistic. If a human being is weak or alone or defenceless, the one can easily be wounded or killed by the animals. Dogs have killed may times human kids, even grownups.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Virtual Life is more real than real life.

Online life is called virtul life. Virtual means something which is not real but looks like real. Great! The fact is real life is not real

It is phony. We walk, talk, laugh, weep...everything of ours is naqli. But in online life, we have freedom of expression, freedom to hide behind fake id's, fredom to get rid of anyone by blocking. So our real self is more visible in our online life.
Virtual life is more real than our real life. ~ Tushar Cosmic

It is wise to be a fool sometimes

Apart from 52 playing Cards, there is a Joker also. Considered useless, but a very useful card. It is very much an imitation of the King's Court and Life.

In every King's Court, there used to be Joker, whose job was to make people laugh anyway, even by making a fool of himself.
Newspapers are Bad News Papers but everyday there is some wonderful joke in it also.
On April first, we make fool of each other and laugh. Undestand the value of laughter.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Love of Dog---Love of God-- Really?

Man is a social animal.

But street dog lovers have become anti social. How?
Street dogs have become a huge problem in cities like Delhi. They bite, they bark whole night, they pee and deficate anywhere. Parks and streets are their toilets.
And these Dog lovers! They see only the plight of dogs, not of their neighbors.
~ Tushar Cosmic

I dis-approve present-day voting system

 I don't vote. Not only me, but many people like me also don't vote. Does that mean that we don't vote?

No. We are voting by not voting. We are voting against all the candidates, against the whole system of selecting candidates and campaigning. We are voting against present-day democracy.

We are rejecting the whole political idiotic system. Try to see the invisible votes and you shall understand what is the meaning of not voting. Why don't I go and vote for Nota?

None of the Above (Nota) is rejecting only the candidates. If Nota gets the maximum votes, re-election is held with new candidates.
But I am not rejecting only the candidates. I am rejecting this fake democracy, this whole political system.
Simple. ~Tushar Cosmic

Love Jehad is a Reality

Looking around my vicinity, I see a lot of Hindu girls married to Muslim men. Good! But why have all these girls converted to Islam? Why these men didn't leave Islam? Why their kids are Muslims, why not Hindus? Isn't such marriages a technique to spread Islam. A technique of Islamisation of a society by converting its girls to Muslim via marriage and increasing the number via making the kids born out of such marriages Muslims only. Just think.

For me, Love Jehad is a reality. In Love-marriages with Muslims, it is not only that Muslims are hiding their identities. No. If they don't hide their identity even in such cases, Muslims don't leave their religion, only the Non-Muslims have to convert to Islam.

~ Tushar Cosmic

~ Tushar Cosmic

Muslims are not a Minority in India

Approx 14% and they are a minority? No. After Hindus, Muslims are the second biggest religious community in India. How can they qualify for being a minority? Jains or Sikhs or Baudhs can be minority, not Muslims. Moreover, in a secular country, why this concept of minority or majority? For a secular state, all are equal.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Questioning Modi Govt.

 "Har Ghar Tiranga" is a Political Gymic like "Har Har Modi- Ghar Ghar Modi".

Don't get befooled. We are nowhere in Olympics, per capita income, and Happiness index.
The slogan is just a tool to fool.
Modi Govt is in power just because of the fear of Muslims among the Non- Muslims. Otherwise, this Govt is failing in improving Health, education, judiciary and policing, and traffic of the nation.
No improvement in infrastructure, good at Marketing.
Modi.....Modi .... Modi.
Modi Govt is more involved in peripherals than in Central things.
Spends money on Cheetahs instead of Humans.
It Changes the names of roads instead of improving roads qualities.
It Launches "Swachh Bharat" instead of actually making India a cleaner country.
It Launches "Azadi ka Amritkaal" than actually making India a Republic.
Pereferrals only, nothing to hit bull's eye. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Ramdev shouldn't criticise Allopathy? But Why?

 Supreme Court says that Ramdev shouldn't criticise Allopathy.

Great !
See, now all kinda criticism is becoming blasphemy, becoming "Contempt of Court".
You can not criticize Allopaths. But Allopaths can take freebies from Big Pharma, can operate unnecessary Caesarean surgeries, can take commission from pathlabs by referring unnecessary tests, can reject Homoeopaths and call them quacks..yes ..they can!
~ Tushar Cosmic

God & Religion




~ Tushar Cosmic

Dogs are gods.

 Dogs are becoming gods.

If a dog bites you, no offense.
If you bite a dog, you might be jailed.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Arguing with Theists against Religion is Useless

Never argue about religions with staunch religious people. They have become religious by renouncing rationality.

They believe in flying a monkey and a donkey.
They believe in the afterlife though none has sent any SMS or email after dying.
They believe in a God sitting somewhere in the Himalayas or Space or under the Ocean though nowhere He has been found. They are strangely irrational creatures.
Nature made human beings capable of being the most intelligent but religions turned them into super most idiots.
It is useless to argue with theists on Religions. These people believe in strangely illogical things.
Someone's god ate Sun, and Someone's diety cut the moon. And the Holy books got downloaded directly from the sky!
And Muslims! You cannot criticize anything in Islam, if you do, you might get hurt.
Why argue then?
~ Tushar Cosmic