Saturday, 20 June 2015


If you are in India and active on Facebook, you must be aware that "secular", this word has been used and still being used as an abuse by RSS/ BJP people. 

Why? Because Congress has used secularism for appeasement of Muslims. That is why, this saffron brigade abuse the concept of secularism, pseudo secularism. And I think, they are right also, congress just abused this concept. 

But do this saffron brigade abuse secularism for this reason alone? No, not at all. They abuse because they hate the very concept of secularism, which says that state should not be guided by any religion. This saffron brigade wanna make this country Hindu, whatever they understand by Hinduism, they want everyone to accept their concept and live accordingly. Hence the collision, hence the abuse, hence the misuse.

Me too do not like this concept, but my reasons are different. For me present day Secularism is a shallow concept.

What state secularism is?

Say yeah to all the religions. Not for state itself but for its people. The people can say yeah or no to any religion but the state itself remains aloof, remains at a distance from all the religions, keeps a gap------ and believes that its decisions should be reason driven not religion driven.

A state do not indulge in any particular religious activity.
Good, but not very deep.

And should an individual too be secular? 

No, I do not think so. There are some right and some wrong things in the religious scriptures and religious ways.

So how can we accept or reject completely or remain aloof?

Another kinda approach, a freethinker's approach, not positive nor negative, not aloof..... a neutral but engaged kinda approach is right, which wherever finds something good/right..says yes, wherever finds something unreasonable says nay.

Suppose I am studying "Guru Granth" and Geeta and Bible....if my approach is this that all is shit, holy shit, a pre-settled approach, this is, not right.

Suppose, I have an approach that all this is great, sacred, then also it prejudice, not right.

Then I have another approach, I study Guru Granth or any granth and find something right...I say yeah, here this is right thing.....then again at another place in the same granth, I find something wrong, I find something wrong, I say...O, the granth is wrong at this place....this is the right approach....THE APPROACH. And can you call this approach secular? Secular approach remains aloof, keeps a distance from all the religions but my approach is to dig deep into religions, just use reason, free from religious bondage and then decide what is right and what is wrong.

And what I think is right at micro level that is right at macro level too.
What is right at individual level that is right at society level too.

So even the society, the state should not be secular as it poses to be today, it should reject the religious follies. 

For example, loud speaker is being misused by all religions, roads are misused by all the religions by processions and all other kinda programs, why should any secular state let it happen? Because of religious pressures. 

So practically Govt. is not secular in real manner. Theoretically it is. 

And theory pulls it towards itself and practical towards  itself.
Reason pulls towards itself and religion to itself. 

One more example, I have stated elsewhere that no kid should be introduced to any religion until the age of  21 years, not even by one's parents. It should be a legal declaration and society should abide by this law. 

But do you think this can happen easily? No, never. Here the reason and religion will fight. The shallow secularism, which it today is, it will say, why to bother for such issues, let people decide about their kids, about the religion of their kids. But a real secularism, about which I am talking, it will state, no, such kinda parenting cannot be allowed any more. Kids are being reduced to robots, no, this should be stopped.

So, see sooner or later secularism will have to change its definition, it will have to move from remaining aloof to be actively engaged into religious matters.

Just one example of France, it banned Burqa, this kinda secularism I am talking about. Reason says, how can anyone accept remaining under veil? This is unnatural, this is no free-will, this is just brain washing.

So see, what my differences are with secularism.
I do not want it to remain aloof and let the religions spread their follies.Can you allow someone to spread virus in the name of freedom then how can you allow religions allow all kinda bullshit, superstitions?

Sooner or later secularism will have to change its definition, its stand.

But here in India, we have seen only pseudo-secularism in Congress era and now religious madness is what we are facing in BJP era, what to say of secularism and what to say of next level of secularism?

Hope for a better evolved future.


You must have seen Hindi movies “Avtar” featuring Rajesh Khanna and “Baagbaan” featuring Amitabh Bachchan, in such movies only one sided picture of the society has been shown. It is depicted that kids do not care for their parents. Parents are victimized by their kids, especially the ones who sacrifice every bit for the present & future of their kids.

Right, this is right. But this is only partly right. There is another aspect and that too quite contrary. Let us see with me.

1) Exactly from the point of time of the conception of the child, atrocity of the parents begins, who told them to bring a child in the world. Did the child sent a telegram to them or a sms or an E-mail, any invitation? No, it is the wish and choice of the parents alone. But later on an impression is given to the kids as if the parents has done some favour to the kids by bringing them on this earth and bringing up the on the earth. Now, these parents be asked, it is you alone who are responsible for their births, then who is responsible for bringing up these kids except you and how come it is a favour to your kids? I do not think there would be any reasonable response from the parents. There is a saying among Indians, that a son must pay off his Pitri rin (Father Loan, the loan which the son owes because he had been given birth by the father, brought up by the father).

What a stupidity! 

2) Moreover the kids, especially the sons are produced like assets, who would earn for the family and would help in sustaining the whole household. They are considered just like an investment, which will give return throughout life to the parents. And if the kids wanna come out of this mental slavery, if they wanna live more for themselves & less for the family, they are considered treachers, someone gone astray. Everyone wants a son like Shravan, who died while serving his parents but did someone raise a question what did Shravan get in return?  Apparently nothing.

What a shame!!

3) Do you know why there is always a discord between Hindu and Muslims, between Shias and Sunnies, between Buddhist and Muslims? Because of the parents. Wrong parenting?

The old generations go on throwing their garbage on the new generations. They go on making them robots. 

In my colony, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, there used to be a school, Saint Saviour, on the main gate of this school, on one side there was a statue of Shravan carrying his parents on his shoulders in two baskets for the pilgrimage and on the other side of the gate there was a statue of Eklavya presenting his thumb to Drona. 

Now the parents want their kids to be the idiots, who should die serving them. 

And the teachers want their students to be the idiots, who can be easily conned by them like Drona. Drona, who took the thumb of the right hand of Eklavya as a tuition fee, even without teaching him anything, making Eklavya in-efficient to remain a good arrow-man, removing a possible threat to the princes of that time, whom Drona served.

What a parenting and what a teaching!!!

4) The parents do not understand that the time is changed, they know less than the kids nowadays but they feel that they must be consulted, not only consulted but their advice must be adopted and acted upon by the kids. They go on irritating their kids. Drastic changes have come in the social life during last two decades. But the parents rarely understand, they are not ready to change with the changes, hence the conflict arises and their relationships with their kids go on souring.

What a misunderstanding!!!!

5) Many parents do not give any capital to their kids; they keep all the property intact in their own names fearing that the kids will start living separately and there will be none to take care of them. But this is absolutely wrong; I have seen many children getting old themselves, waiting for the deaths of their parents. Do you know, when a very elderly person dies, superficially the household shows the grief, they weep and cry and makes the whole melodrama but inside almost everyone is happy. 

A good riddance! And an opportunity to live a better, fresh and an open life.

What the Fuck!!!!!

6) Many parents just feel jealous, or confused when they see their kids enjoying life, laughing and spending money over themselves. Why? Because these parents have never laughed in their lives, never spent money on themselves. They do not wanna their kids to live the lives because they themselves have never lived their lives. And for them money is something never to be spent, it is something to be saved always, saved for the next generations and the next generations should also save it for further for the next generations, never to be spent by anyone. 

What the suck!!!!!!

7 ) It is said that the kids do not do sewa ( care & service) of their parents but I wanna tell you that many parents do not accept the sewa of their kids; they go on abusing their kids without any reason. They go on whining and complaining always. They go on belittling their kids, they go on finding shortcomings of their kids, and they never praise their kids. Even the worthy kids. Kids are not someone to be praised. Never. Kids are some damned things. Always to be rebuked, always to be abused.

What the hell !!!!!!!

8 ) Many parents want their "danda" (baton/authority), their authority, their supremacy even over their grown up, married kids, they do not want love of their kids. This all they take as granted for. This all is duty of the kids. No issue. But they want that their words be final in every matter of the household. They want their dictatorship in the family. They want the kids should always be dependent upon them, they want their kids to remain always their sons and daughter, never rise enough to be the fathers and mothers of their kids. 

They just cripple their kids. 

What the heck!!!!!!!!

9) Many or most of the parents wanna fulfill their unfulfilled wishes through their kids, what they could not do, what they could not become, they wanna do, they wanna become through their kids. A father who is a peon under an IAS officer wanna make his kid an IAS officer, now the kid wanna be a footballer. A mother, who is a beautician wanna make her daughter a model, the daughter wanna be scientist. And many-times the parents win and the kids lose, but the kids lose their lives.

What a loss!!!!!!!!!

10) Here in Delhi many parents live alone in their old houses with servants and we often get the news that they were murdered by the servants or by some intruders because they are easy targets. And why this happens, because these elderly people live alone, they could not cope with their new generations or these older people did not wanna sell their houses even when the kids were settled far away or these older people did not wanna share the liquidity raised by the sale of this property with their kids.

What a death!!!!!!!!!!

11 ) I do not mean that every parent is like that what I have described above but every kid is also not like that as considered by the society in general. If some discord arises between parents-kids relationships, the reasons might be contrary to the general assumptions of the society which favours the older people generally.

Let us see the real picture, let us strike the balance.

How is this article ??????????

Copy right matter
Sharing is allowed not stealing.
Stealing is an offence
Tushar Cosmic

शंकराचार्य--साईं बाबा प्रकरण

चलो, मैं भी कुछ योगदान करता हूँ, इस गर्म मुद्दे पर...

कोई कहता है इनको मत पूजो, कोइ कहता है पूजो, भक्त गण विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं...बहुत धार्मिक मुद्दा लगता है उपरी तौर पर.

थोड़ा सा गहन देखें, सारे मुद्दे का धर्म से कोइ लेना देना नहीं है
न तो समर्थन में खड़े लोगों का और न ही विरोध करने वालों का कोइ धर्म से मतलब है

शुद्ध राजनीती और व्यापार है

जो विरोध कर रहे हैं, उनको क्या पता धर्म क्या है? वो तो बस चाहते हैं कि ये जो एक अंधी भीड़ जो अपने ऊपर हिन्दू का लेबल लगाए है ये कहीं भटक कर एक नए मुस्लिम जैसे दिखने वाले फ़क़ीर की तरफ ज्यादा झुक कर अपने पुराने देवी देवता, राम, कृष्ण, विष्णु, शंकर , दुर्गा, गणेश आदि को इग्नोर न कर दे...यह जो कहीं इन लोग का जमा जमाया धंधा कमज़ोर न पड़ जाए.....फिर सदियों से जमाये धंधे में क्यों किसी और को हिस्सेदार बनाया जाये?

और जो भक्त गण हैं, उन्हें जैसे धर्म का कुछ पता हो, या धर्म से कोइ लेना देना हो.....अरे भई, वो लोग तो सिर्फ अपनी मन्नते मनवाने के लिए किसी को भी पकड लेते हैं, उन्हें बस एक सम्बल चाहिए होता है, वो कोइ भी देवी, देवता, पीर, फ़क़ीर हो सकता है, कहीं भी भीड़ झुक सकती है. भेड़ चाल.........ये लोग विशुद्ध बिज़नस डील करते हैं......ये काम कर दो, इतना चडावा दूंगा/दूंगी.......इतने चक्कर आऊँगा/आऊँगी इत्यादि

और धर्म समझना हो तो समझ लें, कि साईं हैं क्या

साईं, नाथ, स्वामी.....इन सब शब्दों का एक ही मतलब है, खुद का मालिक होना.......हम नही हैं मालिक खुद के......वहम हो सकता है कि हैं, लेकिन नहीं हैं.....हम एक रोबोटिक मन के गुलाम हैं जो ...बस चलता रहता है.......साईं इस मन का मालिक है........इसे अपने अधीन चलाता है........बंद कर सकता है.......चला सकता है

यह है धर्म...

और इसका किसी चमत्कार से क्या मतलब?
और इसका हिन्दू, मुस्लिम होने से क्या मतलब?
और इसका किसी की मन्नत से क्या मतलब?
इसका चडावे से क्या मतलब?

है कोई समझने को तैयार?
है कोई तैयार?

झूठे गुरु, झूठे चेले
झूठे देवी देवता, झूठे पुजारी, महंत और झूठे पूजने वाले
अंधे अँधा ठेलिया दोनों कूप पडंत

शंकराचार्य जी साईं बाबा को वेश्या पुत्र बता रहे हैं .
कोई किसी का पुत्र या पुत्री होने से अपने माता पिता के कर्मों का भागीदार नहीं हो जाता...
और फिर वेश्या तो वैसे भी एक समाजसेविका होती है उसके बिना यह समाज, जो एक पति, एक पत्नी की अप्राकृतिक व्यवस्था पर खड़ा है कहाँ टिक सकता है, वेश्या इस समाज का आधार स्तंभ है.....

यह समाज दोगला है, जो वेश्या को भोगता है लेकिन उस के अस्तित्व तक को नकारता है.....बजाए वेश्या के पार्टी कृतज्ञ होने के उसे हिकारत की नज़र से देखता है......

और वेश्या का अस्तित्व शायद सबसे पुराने ग्रन्थों तक में मिल जाएगा...रामायण में गणिका है...बुध के समय में नगरवधू...कहते हैं वैशाली की नगरवधू का बुध के समय में बहुत नाम था......आम्रपाली.......

और आज भी दिल्ली में जी बी रोड को बच्चा जानता है लेकिन सरकार कभी सेक्स वर्कर को मान्यता नहीं देगी और ऐसा न सिर्फ दिल्ली में है , भारत के हर कोने में है.........

शंकराचार्य जी को विरोध करना ही है साईं का, तो करें....लेकिन कुछ दमदार मुद्दे लेकर आयें...यह सब अनर्गल है.....

कॉपी राईट  मैटर

Friday, 19 June 2015


For some people Facebook is just a mean to show their face to the world for people like me it is more a mean to show my books. For some it is just a gossip station, for some a place to find a mate. Many love it, a few hate. With the due course, I prepared some notes about Facebook. All this have become a small book. Now I do invite you to face it. Face my Facebook.

(1) First the Statutory Warnings---- i) My FB Co-passengers are requested to fasten the seat belts of their fixed ideas & core values. They are also requested to sew their views. If hurt, they themselves would be responsible.

ii) All my posts are from the real life for the real life characters.Though unintentional, but may hurt anyone. Please take care of your feelings, if hurt, you,yourself will be responsible, as they say, passengers themselves are responsible for your belongings.


The friends who consider facebook or other social medias just as tools of timepass or only for fishing a gal or a boy friend, I wanna tell them that they are badly under-estimating the power of these medias.

During last 30 years,  human life  has seen drastic materialistic changes. TV, fridges, AC, Cars, Cell phones, computers. Only 25-30 years back such things were non-existent.

Now is the turn of drastic changes in human consciousness, human wisdom, total human civilization.

It has gathered dust, dust of millenniums.

Freethinking was just an imagination before the advent of the social media. Once a while One Socrates, One Galileo, One Bruno raised his soulful voice but got curbed by the brutal forces of religion and politics.

But now is the time.
Now everyone can raise one's voice. Forces are being used to control the web but as I see it will be impossible now to circumvent the web contents.

Now is the time of real battle of views.Cyber wars.
Earlier battles, wars were fought on the concrete grounds and turned history red. Now the wars will be fought on the internet, on social medias. These wars will turn web black and eventually will kill the foolish ideas carried by the humans since the very growth of human civilization.

Social media will be the tool to clean the human consciousness, brighten human wisdom.

And a new human being will emerge, courtesy social media.

It may seem somewhat difficult to imagine right now as it would have been difficult for a man of last century to imagine that there will be box called TV, in which humans will be shown walking, talking & laughing.

Hence my dear friends, respect social medias, bamullhaza, hoshiar, Mahrajadhiraj Social Media is coming.

(3) Facebook is better than your Faithbook .

(4) disease spread by Facebook.

(5) The people who are posting just their photos on Facebook all the times, I understand they have no brains, if they had they must have been posting something else also but no, they know to use Facebook only as a modelling website.

(6) Females are highly over praised here, reason India is still a Sexually starved country. So beware gals!

(7) In the older times, it was said that if U wanna take a revenge of a man, spoil his son by making him a drug addict.
The saying has changed, now, if U wanna spoil the husband of a lady, put him on the Facebook.

The saying is applicable on the female world also.

(8) Greatest statuses, I come across often:---- Hi, Hello, Good morning, Good evening, Good night, Had a great lunch, going to sleep, Got up, cleaned my teeth, walking, drinking..... peeing & defecating..... littered toilet , cleaned commode ~:Voila, what a creativity, what an originality, what an intellect!!! How brainy!! M!!! Grrrrrrrr....8.....9....10...!

(9) Statuses are more like Conscious mind.
Inboxes more like the subconscious mind.
And conscious is many times just a facade of subconscious mind.

(10) If U are not ready to face criticism, then do not publicize your views on FB. What is this, " My views are just my personal notes, personal, subjective feelings, have nothing to do with anyone else"? If so, what is the use of posting on FB, I am really amazed!! Or do you believe in getting goody goody responses only? If so, make a note with each of your post.

(11) Beware Facebook people! Do not fall prey to "U scratch my back,I scratch your back syndrome". If feel like criticizing, do that honestly like a real friend but in soft & rational manner. Criticism does not mean condemnation, it is expressing honest views, positive & negative both, upon a certain issue

(12) The people in our Facebook friend list are not our friends, friendship is something very deeper than Facebook friend-list. Here all kinda people come. Friends, foes, acquaintances, non-acquaintances.

These people can be friends, there is a probability. A few outta thousands can be real, true friends. So better call it a probable friend list.

(13) Beware Facebook people! Long distance relation-Ships drown generally, we need our dear to be our near too.

(14) Brevity is the soul of wit--more appropriate for FB posts--long posts are ignored generally. But these days, I am experimenting long posts only. The ones, interested shall read me any way, I feel I deserve that much.

(15) While posting on FB many times ideas which are always with me, take a clearer shape, may be happening with other friends too.

16) A secret. Sometimes the people who may be giving Likes/Comments on your posts may be doing it very casually & someone who never gave a single Like or Comment may be taking notice of your every post & comment and liking deeply too. I have felt this practically.

(17) Why FB is so popular? One reason, because people were kept apart from knowing each other. Now they have become obsessive.

(18) Why most of us like FB more than watching TV/Movies? Because here we are Heroes/ Heroines/ central Characters ourselves & we are not just inactive audience here, we ourselves are active characters here, am I right/wrong?

(19) FB is a free media, so people express/see the views which are anti-Govt.,anti-establishments freely, they become more aware.

(20) Smoking/ Drinking/ Facebooking might be addictive & injurious to your health. Now U can never blame that U had not been warned.

(21) FB is just like a world, in fact another world, called virtual but more candid, more real than the real world, because people open up their sub-conscious minds here.

(22) Thanks to Facebook as it has given wheels to all kinda odd quotations but the only issue is people do not care many times to give credit to the originators.

Whenever I come across something beautiful at Facebook, I get suspicious & as I Google, to much of surprise and grief, mostly it is stolen.

(23) FB people should share their own piece of Life than just copy-pasting quotations or words of some other well known people. I wanna say that these famous/notorious people lived their lives, you are living yours, see things with your eyes, listen with your ears, express your own experiences or thoughts in your own words, that is far far better than great views of great people.

And if you will apply your brains even the mundane looking things may produce Genius Gems.

(24) Many people feel FB is just for finding GF or BF, nothing bad, but they should know that FB is something far far bigger than just a Mating Site.

(25) FB helps people keeping Fit, when they post their photos, they know these pics are going to be seen by one & all friends, so they start keeping themselves fit & get fitter & healthier automatically.

(26) Sites like Facebook are great help to humanity, humans need self expression, who are not listened by anyone, they start self conversation or may be victim of some other mental disease.

(27) Expression is sheer joy for me.Orgasmic.Earlier I used & but my accounts were blocked there. Hope here I will be allowed to stay.

(28) Here at FB I feel as if I am at some adda with my friends, I do not feel that FB friends are just FB friends, sitting at some remote part of this world, But feel them like real friends & treat them like real life friends & would like to call them all at one place & chat with them, crack jokes with them, play some games with them, sing & dance with them, Hope some times in future this may happen, until then Love U all, ............
I feel whosoever miss college days, they can re-live college life here at FB.

(29) BLOCKING, it is such a great application of Facebook that if it would have been in real life too, life would have been so easier.

(30) Garbage in, Garbage out.
Why even see posts of shitty people?
Another good reason to make your FB friend list shorter.

(31) Most of the people do not know the basic etiquettes, neither in life nor at FB. Does being in your list mean that I should post according to your wishes?
FB posts are for sharing ideas, views and news. You may agree or dis-agree.
If you do not agree with someone, either stay away or present your views in a respectful manner.If you indulge in personal attacks or foul language, you might invite a backfire.

And finally blocking.

Is this a right way, I think certainly not.
So behave or stay away or get out.

(32) Being in one's list does not allow anyone to comment anyway.
Better read your FB friends posts before indulging directly.
I have written and do write things, which can shake and stir and make utterly happy or unhappy many people.
So better be with me or stay away from me.
And if one chooses to be with me, and chooses to comment on any of my posts, one must control one's emotional outburst.
One can show dis-agreement but without colouring language with any personal attack or emotional touch.

(33) “The Delhi Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, 2007"-- It is illegal to spoil other's walls. The same applies on FB walls. FB walls are private arena, should be used by others very rarely and that too very carefully.

(34) Facebook is modern Ganga (Ganges). Everybody becomes so pious after taking the first dip, only Gyan, only purity, virtues flow out of everyone here.

(35) The new candidate had no experience hence could not get the job, he had no experience because he could get no job.

You can not make friends on FB because, you donno them, you donno them because you could not make them friends. Ha , what a rut?

(36) a) As a smile does not mean a smile always, similarly a LIKE on Facebook does not mean a like, don't get deluded, dear me.

(37) A LIKE of Facebook is not a LIKE always, I LIKE the comments which actually I DISLIKE, the LIKE I give, is just for participating, not for the content of the many finer layers....I have liked some pages, that does not mean I LIKE those, I LIKED only to see what they are up-to. I LIKED just to see what kinda BAKWAS they write............bottom line is, even a LIKE on FACEBOOK might be a DISLIKE in disguise.

(38) Facebook groups are democratic generally. Anyone can post and comment.

Whereas Facebook Pages are dictatorial. Only the admins post.

Hence I like GROUPS over the PAGES.

(39) 2 Suggestion to Facebook--- First, there is no point in showing the original of an edited comment. Why Facebook shows what the writer do not wanna show? Facebook should stop showing the original versions of the edited comments.

Second, to be a better Network site, Facebook should collect all the "LIKES" and "COMMENTS" of a shared status and show at every place, so that one and all interested in that particular status may seen the whole game.

(40) The ways to save your work on FB----

i) First the official way.You can download the whole of your FB account, if you wanna, just go into account settings, then go to General. There is this option of downloading, you will be informed within 24 hours that your download is ready and just be given a link to download and lo you are to start downloading now.

ii) Now the unofficial way.If you wanna save your work on FB, just click on your name, then on activity log, then select what you wanna save i.e. your comments/ photos/ Likes/ your posts or everything, choose what you wanna save & just go on scrolling down, opening "see more" buttons, after that just right click anywhere on the page & you will find "save as" option, now save as, save wherever you wanna save in your computer, this whole content will be available offline with you, for further safety, put that content online elsewhere i.e. on you e-mail or some cloud server or G-drive etc.

(41)  The Romeos who often inbox Hello/ Hi
Mostly they get back Bye/ GoodBye

(42)  I do not unfriend anyone generally
I simply block the idiots.


This point is relevant for people like me, who really dislike their work being stolen. And also for the people who think stealing others' work from internet is quite harmless.

Whatever you write, as you write you get the copy right.
Whatever you steal, as you steal, you are noway right.

The ones, who do not respect my copy right, I m NOT SORRY to say that I can not respect them, on this particular issue.

Simply I do not support copying other's writings or any thing, it is a theft on one's intellectual property.

You learn something from someone's writing, if it is somehow useful for you, that is great, all writing are for that purpose but it does not mean that U are allowed to copy paste other's words....

U can do it differently, use your wisdom, experience and re-write according to your understanding, that is okay.

Now, how much has been just copied or how much is re-used like a re-use of wheel in a car, that is a different story and that is why in the whole world court cases are fought over this issue.

And I am amazed, how difficult it is to make clear to my friends!

Patents, copy rights and trade marks are protected under intellectual property rights.

As a theft of any kinda physical property is considered a crime so is considered theft of intellectual property.

A few vital things are to be understood regarding these laws.

There is saying, "There is nothing new under the sun", which is right and but partially only.

Just take an example of a motor cycle, the technique of cycle, motor, wheel & iron casting etc is used in it, all already invented, still the appropriate use, aggregate of all these already invented things gives birth to a new thing, motor cycle, an invention.

Similarly, if you just copy paste something, without adding any value to the original text, you are infringing intellectual property law but if you give a twist to the original meaning, it is not a theft. An example, there is saying, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, then someone changed it as beauty lies in the eyes of the beer holder, see, the one, who twisted the first statement can not be called a thief, as the one has changed the whole concept.

Indian Flag and Flag of Congress party of India has much similarity but still as the central emblem is different, it is not considered intellectual property infringement.

So next time, my dear friends, if you steal or allege someone for stealing, kindly keep my words in mind.

Statutory Warning---- I am no advocate, kindly cross check my words.


a) It is totally free if you are using some unlimited wi-fi plan.

b) You should talk as they talk in armed services, with every pause, they say "over" so the person at the other end understands that it is his/her turn to respond. Why? Because whats-app phone call's sound travels slower than that of the the ordinary phone calls. You are also not supposed to utter a single word, until your hear "over" from the other side.

c) And in the end you can say "over and out".

d) Now enjoy the whats-calls with this little understanding. Not perfect. Troublesome but it is FREE, remember.



We learn in many ways.

How did we learn our mother tongue? 
Of-course through our mother and father's words, their tongue.

How do we learn a foreign language?
Now there are two ways, first same as we learn our first language and the second , bookish way, learning, tenses, verbs, nouns and grammar.

How did you learn typing?
The classic way, the way of typing schools? Which finger on which letter, defined way?

Or typing haphazardly, any finger, whichever suited you on any letter and by and by, typing fine, not perfectly still very fine and very fast too.

How do a singer learn?

Reshma, Sai Zahoor and many other world class singers, either never learnt or learnt very little in a bookish way.

So to where I wanna drive you? Simple, learn, learning is good, but don't rely upon bookish style only.

Once I had some monetary exchanges with someone. The man was not much literate. I was explaining principal amount, then the days he kept my money with him, then the interest rate etc.... in my way, bookish way. 
All Greek to him.

My father was also sitting there. He addressed me somewhat rebukingly, his words," 2+2=4, 1+3=4,5-1=4, explain the other in the way in which he can understand, not the way you understand."

Here is the point. One should learn and one should teach. But how? As the learner wants to get taught. As the learner can learn. As the learner's inherent qualities, capabilities get enhanced.

If Reshma had been taught music in style of Lata Mangeshkar, what would have happened? A disaster. She had a different voice,  different pattern, a rawness.


Do you think people who are pass outs of Hotel management course become good Hoteliers? Come on. They even do not become good hotel employees many a times. 

MBA pass outs, master of business administration, what they do? They just become employees of some under graduate business tycoon.

I was just reading that Jack Ma, the richest man of China, the owner of, a company which is bigger than the combination of and, he was rejected from college both at home and abroad more than a dozen times before finally securing a spot at a local university in his hometown of Hangzhou, where he studied English.

So what is the point of this whole writing?

Am I against learning?

Never, I understand, it is the learning which defines a human being, how can I be against learning, never.

I am against putting learning into some defined pattern, even if someone learns through this kinda pattern, one becomes THE ONE, when learns outta that pattern.

And what present education system does?  It is preparing kids to become just employees. It is preparing kids to succeed as employees and fail as adventurers, as entrepreneurs. Fail as enthusiasts.Fail as freethinkers.
It is preparing our kids to fail in LIFE.

This education is for the benefit of everyone except the learner, everyone, the schools, the politicians, the religions, all, except the kid. I have written above that the teacher should teach as the learner can understand, as the learner's capabilities may flourish.Education is for the learner, not for the teacher, not for the vested interests of anyone else.

This word education comes from "educe", which means "to bring out", that means education is the process to bring out the inherent capabilities of a learning,  to water the seed, to provide the appropriate land, to do everything to help the seed to be a grand tree, to flower, to flourish.  And what our education does? It just go on outpouring its established garbage upon the learner and suffocate the slightest chance of flowering the natural capabilities.

This system, this pattern tries every bit to circumscribe students' inherent capabilities. Actually it has nothing to do with anyone's individuality. 

Everyone should understand Pythagoras theorem.
Everyone should understand higher algebra.
Everyone should understand when was Akbar born and when died, exact year. 


The kid wanna understand Zebra and teacher wanna teach algebra.
The kid wanna understand emotion and the teacher waanna teach motion, Newtons's laws of motion.
The kid wanna understand his life and the teacher wanna him understand Akbar's life.

Hell !!

Is this education or some system to distort human intelligence?

What I understand, this is a conspiracy of the politicians, the religious people (they too are politicians only with a different name tag) and the big capitalists.

Why they don't wanna raise free thinking, free thinkers?

A free thinker will never accept slavery of some fat ass just because his/her father left million or billion dollars in his/her name.

A free thinker may challenge this whole system of inheritance.

A free thinker may challenge this stupid system called democracy, which is just another name of imperialism.

A free thinker is very dangerous.

Every child is a free thinker.

So systematic system, to destroy the natural intelligence of the kids. Education is thy name.

This education system is insult to intelligence.
This education is conspiracy against humanity.
A crime against humanity.


Beware, learn but first learn to learn, learn but be aware.

Hope you do.

Comment plz

Copy Right


(1) I once admired him for taking the risk of expressing himself freely and letting us all to understand his views. I still admire him for all that.
Here are some of my views about his thoughts and acts.

i) He is selective, he will never choose someone to reply who might give him back a hard hit, rest assure. I have tested him many times.

ii) Just ask him why he was pleading people to vote for Kejriwal and why he is now totally against him and his party.
An idiot.
The real thing is Kejriwal didn't care for him so he became against him.

iii) Also ask him, why he is meeting NRI's in America and when someone in India asked him to meet, why he said, "main tere haath nahi aanee"?
NRI's have hair of gold, no?

iv) Moreover whatever issues he is raising, we have raised and discussed already, deeper than him. And many more than him.
Once he was counting the issues he has raised till now. Perhaps he does not know, I & people like me raise issues everyday and not only raise the issues, provide the possible solutions also and always invite one and all to raise their doubts, discuss, debate.

v) Once he was suggesting or perhaps predicting that India and Pakistan will become one. This is never gonna happen. Muslims have very different ideology, Hindus have different.This is never gonna happen.
The world can become one, but only when we succeed in developing a global culture. On the deathbed of Mohammedanism, Hinduism and all such isms a global culture may develop. That is my prediction.

vi) It is very easy to declare other's idiot.....90/95 percent , it is very difficult to see one's own idiocy.

vii) He is just expressing himself.....he is enjoying all this and he thinks that he is thinking or doing something which no other is thinking or doing. He wants reforms in India but he is wrong on various points.

(2) My response to Mr Markandey Katju, the retired Supreme Court judge.
His post----
99% of all people are good
Despite the Paris attack in which several persons were killed, and despite Haji Yaqoob Qureshi, I will repeat again what I have been repeatedly been saying : 99% people of all communities are good people. So 99% Hindus are good people, and so are 99% Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis, and people of all religions, castes, races, languages, regions and nationalities. 99% Pakistanis are good people, and so are 99% Indians and 99% Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sriklankans, Burmese, Americans, Europeans, Chinese, Arabs, Africans, etc
This is what my teacher, the great French thinker Rousseau taught me over 50 years ago when i was a very young man, and this is the belief I will retain till my death.

I will disgrace myself before my teacher ( who for me is still alive ) if I deviate an inch from this belief. I would rather die than do that.
My response----
Hello respected sir, with due respect I differ, I think the one who thinks that the one will retain some certain belief till one's death is stupid at this certain point.
The one who thinks that by deviating from one certain belief taught by one;s teacher is disgracing one's teacher, is stupid at this certain point.
Life is flux, not something fixed, it teaches us every moment till the last moment, so such ideas are stupid.
And going against one's teacher's views is never disgracing him/her, it may be development and a real teacher would be happy with his/her student.
In-fact we all are students of life, not of any individual or some particular book or Guru.It is the life, that is a life-long teacher.---One thing
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Secondly, humans are not good basically, they are just selfish fellows, one example, they have all the laws and the law machinery, if you slap someone, you might land in the jail.
But most of the humans daily kill animals and birds just to eat and there are rare laws, what is this, why this happens? Because humans are basically good? No sir, they are not.
They do not know what goodness is, most of them do not know.

Kindly respond.

(3) He explained,"Why I go to Dargahs? Within a few days of taking over as Chief Justice of Madras High Court in November, 2004 I enquired whether there was a dargah in Chennai. I was told there is one called the Anna Salai Dargah ( Dargah Hazrat Syed Moosa Shah Qadri ) on Mount Road. I sent a message there that I would like to come to pay my respects to the holy saint who has his grave there, and is said to have died about 450 years ago.( see link below ). I was told I was welcome.
I went there and offered a chaadar.
Since then I have been regularly visiting that Dargah whenever I go to Chennai. The old maulvi saheb who was there has since died, but others look after the shrine. They know me, and give me a lot of respect whenever I go there.
I go to dargahs wherever and whenever I can, e.g. Ajmer Sharif, Nizamuddin Aulia ( and Amir Khusro, which is just next ), Kaliyar Sharif, Deva Sharif, etc.I get a lot of happiness and peace there.
Some people may find it strange that a confirmed atheist like me visits dargahs.
It is true that I do not believe in God. But it is also true that I respect the good things in Indian culture, and I respect people of all religions. Some of my closest friends are non Hindus.
Why do I go to dargahs ? I go there because dargahs are shrines constructed over the graves of sufi saints, and I have great respect for sufi saints, who preached love, compassion and humanitarianism towards all. They made no distinction between Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc..Though the sufi saints were Muslims, they had many Hindu and Sikh disciples. Some sufi saints were persecuted by fanatical and bigoted people.
Hindus do not go to mosques, Muslims do not go to Hindu temples, but everyone goes to, and is welcome, in dargahs. Often there are more Hindus than Muslims in some dargahs. So dargahs are places which unite all Indians, and I love whatever unites us, and am strongly against whatever divides us, like religious bigotry and intolerance.
India is a country of great diversity. To progress we must remain united. So whatever promotes our unity, like dargahs, is good for us, and whatever divides us, like religious extremism and fanaticism, is bad for us..The Sufi spirit of tolerance and compassion is what all Indians must inculcate and imbibe.."
I REPLIED ,"A saint is never Hindu or Muslim and if someone is Hindu or Muslim, one is never a saint.
And getting birth in a Muslim or a Hindu family, growing up in a Muslim or Hindu atmosphere does not make someone essentially Muslim or Hindus, living in a Muslim or Hindu world, does not make one a Muslim or Hindu.
Sufis had nothing to do with Muslims, they were rebels, revolting against dogmas of Muslims, stupidities of Muslims and of-course Hindus' too.
Having said all this, I disagree with your words," Though the sufi saints were Muslims, they had many Hindu and Sikh disciples. "
Sufis were never Muslims, one thing.
And they had no disciples , who were Hindus or Sikhs, if the ones who were Hindus or Sikhs , they were not their disciples."
Many people questioned me, said that Sufis were Muslims.
I FURTHER REPLIED ,"मक्के गयां गल मुक्दी नाहीं भले सौ सौ जुमा पढ़ आईये
गंगा गयां गल मुक्दी नाहीं भले सौ सौ गोते खाईये
गया गयां गल मुक्दी नाहीं भले सौ सौ पंड पढ़ाईये
बुल्ले शाह गल ताइयों मुक्दी जदो "मैं" नूं दिलों गंवाईये ----- बाबा बुल्लेशाह"
पढ़ पढ़ आलम पागल होया, कदी अपने आप नू पढ़या नईं
जा जा वड़दा मंदिर मसीतां, कदी अपने आप चे वड़या नई
एवईं रोज शैतान नाल लड़दा, कदी अक्स अपने नाल लड़या नई
बुल्ले शाह आसमानी उड दियां फड़दा, जेड़ा घर बैठा उह नूं फड़िया नईं ----- ----- बाबा बुल्लेशाह
फरीदा जे तू वंजें हज, हब्यो ही जीआ में।
लाह दिले वी लज, सच्चा हाजी तां थीएं॥.....बाबाफरीद गंजेशक्कर
कंकर पत्थर जोड़ के,,,,, मस्जिद लई चिनाय
ता पर मुल्ला बांघ दे,,,क्या बहरा हुआ खुदाय.... कबीर साहेब"
Judging someone through one's self proclaimed disciples is just like judging Alfred Hitchcock movie by watching its third rate Hindi rip off.
All of you my friends, invited here to comment.

(4) मुझ से पूछा मित्र Indal Kumar ने कि Markanday Katju ने लिखा है कि अधिकाँश पाकिस्तानी और मुस्लिम अच्छे हैं तो मेरी क्या राय है?
मेरी राय यह है कि काटजू मूर्ख हैं, इस पॉइंट पर, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे वो बहुत से अन्य पॉइंट पर मूर्ख हैं
जब तक इस पृथ्वी पर कोई भी व्यक्ति मुस्लिम है, हिन्दू है, सिख है या किसी भी अन्य बंधे बंधाए धर्म को मानता है वो अच्छा नहीं हो सकता, वो इंसानियत के लिए खतरा है, वो पृथ्वी के लिए खतरा है....इंसानियत कहाँ बंटी हैं...बांटा ही तुम्हारे यह हिन्दू , मुस्लिम आदि होने ने है..अब तुम लाख कहते रह कि हमारा धर्म इंसानियत सिखाता है, यह सिखाता है, वो सिखाता है...नहीं, सब बकवास है, नतीजे देखो न...सब दंगे धर्म के नाम पर हैं, सब बंटवारे......सारी राजनीति, गन्दी राजनीति धर्म के नाम पर ...दुनिया को तार तार करके रख दिया है
और अगली बात जब तक कोई भी व्यक्ति खुद को पाकिस्तानी, हिन्दुस्तानी समझता है , वो भी इस पृथ्वी के लिए खतरा है, पृथ्वी पर सब लकीरें, राजनीतिक लकीरें झूठी हैं....
इस लिए पाकिस्तानी अच्छे हैं, मुस्लिम अच्छे हैं, बकवास है काटजू का यह कथन....
सही कथन यह है कि जब तक कोई मुस्लिम है, हिन्दू है, इसाई है या किस भी तथा कथित धर्म को मानता है, वो अच्छा नहीं है, वो मूर्ख है, वो रोबोट है, वो मशीन है, वो खतरा है ज़मीन के लिए और जब तक कोई खुद को हिन्दुस्तानी, पाकिस्तानी, या अफ्गानिस्तानी आदि मानता है, वो दुनिया के लिए, इस ज़मीन के लिए बुरा है, शैतानी है
(5) पिछली पोस्ट पर जनाब (Markanday Katju ) ने कहा था की वे atheist हैं! इस पोस्ट में वे हिन्दू हैं! अगली में क्या होंगे पता नहीं! काफी पोस्ट अच्छी भी हैं पर अधिकतर बकवास है.. कभी कभी लगता है काटजू साहब दुनिया के सबसे कंफ्यूज बन्दे हैं! ---- By Dharamveer Nimiwal ji
(6) By above all the points, I do not mean to express that I am against him, no, I am not. I admire him on many of his stands. His views about RSS, Modi and corruption in judiciary etc. are worthwhile.


किसान को मौसम की मार, कारण और सम्भावित निवारण

मुआवजा दे तो सकते हैं, कर्जा माफ़ कर तो सकते हैं ...लेकिन यह भी तो समाज पर बोझ ही होगा, सामाजिक असंतुलन पैदा करेगा. यह ज़रूरी तो है लेकिन क्या यह कोई हल है?

किसान की ऐसी हालात इस बारिश की वजह से नहीं हुआ है, उसकी वजह यह है कि जनसंख्या के बढ़ने से ज़मीन टुकड़ों में बंटती चली गयी, और बंटते बंटते वो इतनी कम रह गयी कि अब वो किसी एक परिवार के पेट पालने लायक भी नहीं रही, आज अगर एक किसान परिवार के पास पहले जैसा बड़ा टुकड़ा हो ज़मीन का, तो उसकी कमाई से ही वो अपना वर्तमान और भविष्य सब संवार लेगा

खेती तो है ही कुदरत पर निर्भर, वो कभी भी खराब हो सकती है सो यदि किसान होगा पूरा-सूरा तो निश्चित ही कुदरत की मार उसकी कमर तोड़ देगी, लेकिन यदि वो मज़बूत होगा तो निश्चित ही इस तरह की बारिशें तो उस पर कभी कहर बन कर न टूट सकेंगी........

सो मेरे ख्याल से मुआवजा फ़ौरी हल तो हो सकता है लेकिन इससे कोई मुद्दा हल नहीं होगा .....आज आप बचा लो किसान, कल वो और बच्चे पैदा करेगा, फिर उनकी दिक्कतें बढ़ती जायेंगी.......आप कब तक मुआवजें देते रहेंगे और मुआवज़े कोई आसमान से तो गिरते नहीं.....वो भी समाज का पैसा है.......समाज का एक हिस्सा दूसरे हिस्से को कब तक पाले, क्यों पाले?

सो  हल तो निश्चित ही कुछ और हैं

कहीं पढ़ा था कि विज्ञान की मदद से बारिश पर नियंत्रण किया जाए. बेमौसम बारिश का इलाज होना चाहिए

लेकिन ऐसी बारिश हुई क्यों?
चूँकि हमने कुदरत की ऐसी तैसी कर रखी है

मुझे लगता है विज्ञान की मदद से हम जो जनसंख्या बढ़ा लेते हैं, प्रकृति अपने प्रकोप से घटा देती हैं
ये बाढ़, बेमौसम बरसात, भूकम्प सब उसी का नतीजा है ...

हर जगह हमने अपनी जनसंख्या का दबाव बना रखा है
कुदरत बैलेंस नहीं करेगी?

विज्ञान से बारिश, धूप, हवा पर कण्ट्रोल प्रकृति चक्र को और  खराब कर सकता है
यह देखना बहुत ज़रूरी है

सो पहले विज्ञान का उपयोग यह जानने को करना  होगा कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है
क्या वजह हमारा प्रकृति का अनाप शनाप दोहन तो नहीं? मेरे ख्याल से है. विज्ञान के उत्थान के साथ साथ मानव प्रकृति को बड़ी तेज़ी से चूस रहा है

बजाए विज्ञान से बारिश, धूप, हवा पर कण्ट्रोल के, मानव की संख्या और गुणवत्ता पर कण्ट्रोल ज़रूरी है, अन्यथा यह सब तो चलता ही रहेगा, एक जगह से रोकेंगे, दूसरी जगह से प्रकृति फूटेगी......जैसे बहुत तेज़ पानी के बहाव को एक छेद से रोको तो दूसरी जगह से फूट निकलता है

हमें विज्ञान से यह जानने में मदद लेनी चाहिए कि किस इलाके में कितने मानव बिना कुदरत पर बोझ बने रह सकते  हैं, किस इलाके में कितने वाहन से ज़्यादा नहीं होने चाहिए, किस जगह कितनी फैक्ट्री से ज़्यादा नहीं होनी चाहिए, किस पहाड़ पर कितने लोगों से ज़्यादा यात्री नहीं जाने चाहिए. जब हम इस तरह से जीने लगें तो निश्चित ही  कुदरत के चक्र अपनी जगह आ जायेंगे

अभी हम कहाँ सुनते हैं कुदरत की या विज्ञान की?......सो भुगत रहें हैं

ये सब चलता रहेगा, किसकी शामत कब आयेगी, पता नहीं
जैसे बचपन में खेलते ......बैठते थे गोल चक्कर बना, पीछे से दौड़ते दौड़ते लड़का मुक्का मरता था, "कोकला छपाकी जुम्मे रात आई है, जेहड़ा मुड़ के पिच्छे देखे उसदी शामत आई है"
किसकी  शामत कब आयेगी, पता नहीं

आज किसान की फसल बारिश से मर रही है, कल कश्मीरी बाढ़ से मर रहा था, परसों केदारनाथ के पहाड़ खिसक गए थे......बचा लो, मुआवज़े दे दो, राहतें दे दो ..अच्छी बात है.....वाहवाही मिलेगी

लेकिन समस्या के असल हल तक कोई क्यों जाए? उस तरफ तो सिवा गाली के कुछ नहीं मिलने वाला....वोट या नोट तो दूर की बात

हल तो समाज के ढाँचे में आमूल चूल परिवर्तन हैं, और समाज को समझना चाहिए कि उसकी समस्याओं के निवारण के लिए कोई सरकारें ज़िम्मेदार नहीं हैं.....ज़िम्मेदार समाज खुद है, समाज की सोच समझ है, सामाजिक व्यवस्था है.......

लेकिन यह सब समाज यूँ ही तो समझेगा नहीं....समझाने के लिए भी कोई संगठन चाहिए, जो मुझे कहीं नज़र नहीं आ रहा, आपको दिख रहा हो तो ज़रूर बताएं

सप्रेम नमन