For some people Facebook is just a mean to show their face to the world for people like me it is more a mean to show my books. For some it is just a gossip station, for some a place to find a mate. Many love it, a few hate. With the due course, I prepared some notes about Facebook. All this have become a small book. Now I do invite you to face it. Face my Facebook.
(1) First the Statutory Warnings---- i) My FB Co-passengers are requested to fasten the seat belts of their fixed ideas & core values. They are also requested to sew their views. If hurt, they themselves would be responsible.
ii) All my posts are from the real life for the real life characters.Though unintentional, but may hurt anyone. Please take care of your feelings, if hurt, you,yourself will be responsible, as they say, passengers themselves are responsible for your belongings.
The friends who consider facebook or other social medias just as tools of timepass or only for fishing a gal or a boy friend, I wanna tell them that they are badly under-estimating the power of these medias.
During last 30 years, human life has seen drastic materialistic changes. TV, fridges, AC, Cars, Cell phones, computers. Only 25-30 years back such things were non-existent.
Now is the turn of drastic changes in human consciousness, human wisdom, total human civilization.
It has gathered dust, dust of millenniums.
Freethinking was just an imagination before the advent of the social media. Once a while One Socrates, One Galileo, One Bruno raised his soulful voice but got curbed by the brutal forces of religion and politics.
But now is the time.
Now everyone can raise one's voice. Forces are being used to control the web but as I see it will be impossible now to circumvent the web contents.
Now is the time of real battle of views.Cyber wars.
Earlier battles, wars were fought on the concrete grounds and turned history red. Now the wars will be fought on the internet, on social medias. These wars will turn web black and eventually will kill the foolish ideas carried by the humans since the very growth of human civilization.
Social media will be the tool to clean the human consciousness, brighten human wisdom.
And a new human being will emerge, courtesy social media.
It may seem somewhat difficult to imagine right now as it would have been difficult for a man of last century to imagine that there will be box called TV, in which humans will be shown walking, talking & laughing.
Hence my dear friends, respect social medias, bamullhaza, hoshiar, Mahrajadhiraj Social Media is coming.
(3) Facebook is better than your Faithbook .
(4) disease spread by Facebook.
(5) The people who are posting just their photos on Facebook all the times, I understand they have no brains, if they had they must have been posting something else also but no, they know to use Facebook only as a modelling website.
(6) Females are highly over praised here, reason India is still a Sexually starved country. So beware gals!
(7) In the older times, it was said that if U wanna take a revenge of a man, spoil his son by making him a drug addict.
The saying has changed, now, if U wanna spoil the husband of a lady, put him on the Facebook.
The saying is applicable on the female world also.
(8) Greatest statuses, I come across often:---- Hi, Hello, Good morning, Good evening, Good night, Had a great lunch, going to sleep, Got up, cleaned my teeth, walking, drinking..... peeing & defecating..... littered toilet , cleaned commode ~:Voila, what a creativity, what an originality, what an intellect!!! How brainy!! M!!! Grrrrrrrr....8.....9....10...!
(9) Statuses are more like Conscious mind.
Inboxes more like the subconscious mind.
And conscious is many times just a facade of subconscious mind.
(10) If U are not ready to face criticism, then do not publicize your views on FB. What is this, " My views are just my personal notes, personal, subjective feelings, have nothing to do with anyone else"? If so, what is the use of posting on FB, I am really amazed!! Or do you believe in getting goody goody responses only? If so, make a note with each of your post.
(11) Beware Facebook people! Do not fall prey to "U scratch my back,I scratch your back syndrome". If feel like criticizing, do that honestly like a real friend but in soft & rational manner. Criticism does not mean condemnation, it is expressing honest views, positive & negative both, upon a certain issue
(12) The people in our Facebook friend list are not our friends, friendship is something very deeper than Facebook friend-list. Here all kinda people come. Friends, foes, acquaintances, non-acquaintances.
These people can be friends, there is a probability. A few outta thousands can be real, true friends. So better call it a probable friend list.
(13) Beware Facebook people! Long distance relation-Ships drown generally, we need our dear to be our near too.
(14) Brevity is the soul of wit--more appropriate for FB posts--long posts are ignored generally. But these days, I am experimenting long posts only. The ones, interested shall read me any way, I feel I deserve that much.
(15) While posting on FB many times ideas which are always with me, take a clearer shape, may be happening with other friends too.
16) A secret. Sometimes the people who may be giving Likes/Comments on your posts may be doing it very casually & someone who never gave a single Like or Comment may be taking notice of your every post & comment and liking deeply too. I have felt this practically.
(17) Why FB is so popular? One reason, because people were kept apart from knowing each other. Now they have become obsessive.
(18) Why most of us like FB more than watching TV/Movies? Because here we are Heroes/ Heroines/ central Characters ourselves & we are not just inactive audience here, we ourselves are active characters here, am I right/wrong?
(19) FB is a free media, so people express/see the views which are anti-Govt.,anti-establishments freely, they become more aware.
(20) Smoking/ Drinking/ Facebooking might be addictive & injurious to your health. Now U can never blame that U had not been warned.
(21) FB is just like a world, in fact another world, called virtual but more candid, more real than the real world, because people open up their sub-conscious minds here.
(22) Thanks to Facebook as it has given wheels to all kinda odd quotations but the only issue is people do not care many times to give credit to the originators.
Whenever I come across something beautiful at Facebook, I get suspicious & as I Google, to much of surprise and grief, mostly it is stolen.
(23) FB people should share their own piece of Life than just copy-pasting quotations or words of some other well known people. I wanna say that these famous/notorious people lived their lives, you are living yours, see things with your eyes, listen with your ears, express your own experiences or thoughts in your own words, that is far far better than great views of great people.
And if you will apply your brains even the mundane looking things may produce Genius Gems.
(24) Many people feel FB is just for finding GF or BF, nothing bad, but they should know that FB is something far far bigger than just a Mating Site.
(25) FB helps people keeping Fit, when they post their photos, they know these pics are going to be seen by one & all friends, so they start keeping themselves fit & get fitter & healthier automatically.
(26) Sites like Facebook are great help to humanity, humans need self expression, who are not listened by anyone, they start self conversation or may be victim of some other mental disease.
(27) Expression is sheer joy for me.Orgasmic.Earlier I used & but my accounts were blocked there. Hope here I will be allowed to stay.
(28) Here at FB I feel as if I am at some adda with my friends, I do not feel that FB friends are just FB friends, sitting at some remote part of this world, But feel them like real friends & treat them like real life friends & would like to call them all at one place & chat with them, crack jokes with them, play some games with them, sing & dance with them, Hope some times in future this may happen, until then Love U all, ............
I feel whosoever miss college days, they can re-live college life here at FB.
(29) BLOCKING, it is such a great application of Facebook that if it would have been in real life too, life would have been so easier.
(30) Garbage in, Garbage out.
Why even see posts of shitty people?
Another good reason to make your FB friend list shorter.
(31) Most of the people do not know the basic etiquettes, neither in life nor at FB. Does being in your list mean that I should post according to your wishes?
FB posts are for sharing ideas, views and news. You may agree or dis-agree.
If you do not agree with someone, either stay away or present your views in a respectful manner.If you indulge in personal attacks or foul language, you might invite a backfire.
And finally blocking.
Is this a right way, I think certainly not.
So behave or stay away or get out.
(32) Being in one's list does not allow anyone to comment anyway.
Better read your FB friends posts before indulging directly.
I have written and do write things, which can shake and stir and make utterly happy or unhappy many people.
So better be with me or stay away from me.
And if one chooses to be with me, and chooses to comment on any of my posts, one must control one's emotional outburst.
One can show dis-agreement but without colouring language with any personal attack or emotional touch.
(33) “The Delhi Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, 2007"-- It is illegal to spoil other's walls. The same applies on FB walls. FB walls are private arena, should be used by others very rarely and that too very carefully.
(34) Facebook is modern Ganga (Ganges). Everybody becomes so pious after taking the first dip, only Gyan, only purity, virtues flow out of everyone here.
(35) The new candidate had no experience hence could not get the job, he had no experience because he could get no job.
You can not make friends on FB because, you donno them, you donno them because you could not make them friends. Ha , what a rut?
(36) a) As a smile does not mean a smile always, similarly a LIKE on Facebook does not mean a like, don't get deluded, dear me.
(37) A LIKE of Facebook is not a LIKE always, I LIKE the comments which actually I DISLIKE, the LIKE I give, is just for participating, not for the content of the many finer layers....I have liked some pages, that does not mean I LIKE those, I LIKED only to see what they are up-to. I LIKED just to see what kinda BAKWAS they write............bottom line is, even a LIKE on FACEBOOK might be a DISLIKE in disguise.
(38) Facebook groups are democratic generally. Anyone can post and comment.
Whereas Facebook Pages are dictatorial. Only the admins post.
Hence I like GROUPS over the PAGES.
(39) 2 Suggestion to Facebook--- First, there is no point in showing the original of an edited comment. Why Facebook shows what the writer do not wanna show? Facebook should stop showing the original versions of the edited comments.
Second, to be a better Network site, Facebook should collect all the "LIKES" and "COMMENTS" of a shared status and show at every place, so that one and all interested in that particular status may seen the whole game.
(40) The ways to save your work on FB----
i) First the official way.You can download the whole of your FB account, if you wanna, just go into account settings, then go to General. There is this option of downloading, you will be informed within 24 hours that your download is ready and just be given a link to download and lo you are to start downloading now.
ii) Now the unofficial way.If you wanna save your work on FB, just click on your name, then on activity log, then select what you wanna save i.e. your comments/ photos/ Likes/ your posts or everything, choose what you wanna save & just go on scrolling down, opening "see more" buttons, after that just right click anywhere on the page & you will find "save as" option, now save as, save wherever you wanna save in your computer, this whole content will be available offline with you, for further safety, put that content online elsewhere i.e. on you e-mail or some cloud server or G-drive etc.
(41) The Romeos who often inbox Hello/ Hi
Mostly they get back Bye/ GoodBye
(42) I do not unfriend anyone generally
I simply block the idiots.
This point is relevant for people like me, who really dislike their work being stolen. And also for the people who think stealing others' work from internet is quite harmless.
Whatever you write, as you write you get the copy right.
Whatever you steal, as you steal, you are noway right.
The ones, who do not respect my copy right, I m NOT SORRY to say that I can not respect them, on this particular issue.
Simply I do not support copying other's writings or any thing, it is a theft on one's intellectual property.
You learn something from someone's writing, if it is somehow useful for you, that is great, all writing are for that purpose but it does not mean that U are allowed to copy paste other's words....
U can do it differently, use your wisdom, experience and re-write according to your understanding, that is okay.
Now, how much has been just copied or how much is re-used like a re-use of wheel in a car, that is a different story and that is why in the whole world court cases are fought over this issue.
And I am amazed, how difficult it is to make clear to my friends!
Patents, copy rights and trade marks are protected under intellectual property rights.
As a theft of any kinda physical property is considered a crime so is considered theft of intellectual property.
A few vital things are to be understood regarding these laws.
There is saying, "There is nothing new under the sun", which is right and but partially only.
Just take an example of a motor cycle, the technique of cycle, motor, wheel & iron casting etc is used in it, all already invented, still the appropriate use, aggregate of all these already invented things gives birth to a new thing, motor cycle, an invention.
Similarly, if you just copy paste something, without adding any value to the original text, you are infringing intellectual property law but if you give a twist to the original meaning, it is not a theft. An example, there is saying, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, then someone changed it as beauty lies in the eyes of the beer holder, see, the one, who twisted the first statement can not be called a thief, as the one has changed the whole concept.
Indian Flag and Flag of Congress party of India has much similarity but still as the central emblem is different, it is not considered intellectual property infringement.
So next time, my dear friends, if you steal or allege someone for stealing, kindly keep my words in mind.
Statutory Warning---- I am no advocate, kindly cross check my words.
a) It is totally free if you are using some unlimited wi-fi plan.
b) You should talk as they talk in armed services, with every pause, they say "over" so the person at the other end understands that it is his/her turn to respond. Why? Because whats-app phone call's sound travels slower than that of the the ordinary phone calls. You are also not supposed to utter a single word, until your hear "over" from the other side.
c) And in the end you can say "over and out".
d) Now enjoy the whats-calls with this little understanding. Not perfect. Troublesome but it is FREE, remember.
(1) First the Statutory Warnings---- i) My FB Co-passengers are requested to fasten the seat belts of their fixed ideas & core values. They are also requested to sew their views. If hurt, they themselves would be responsible.
ii) All my posts are from the real life for the real life characters.Though unintentional, but may hurt anyone. Please take care of your feelings, if hurt, you,yourself will be responsible, as they say, passengers themselves are responsible for your belongings.
The friends who consider facebook or other social medias just as tools of timepass or only for fishing a gal or a boy friend, I wanna tell them that they are badly under-estimating the power of these medias.
During last 30 years, human life has seen drastic materialistic changes. TV, fridges, AC, Cars, Cell phones, computers. Only 25-30 years back such things were non-existent.
Now is the turn of drastic changes in human consciousness, human wisdom, total human civilization.
It has gathered dust, dust of millenniums.
Freethinking was just an imagination before the advent of the social media. Once a while One Socrates, One Galileo, One Bruno raised his soulful voice but got curbed by the brutal forces of religion and politics.
But now is the time.
Now everyone can raise one's voice. Forces are being used to control the web but as I see it will be impossible now to circumvent the web contents.
Now is the time of real battle of views.Cyber wars.
Earlier battles, wars were fought on the concrete grounds and turned history red. Now the wars will be fought on the internet, on social medias. These wars will turn web black and eventually will kill the foolish ideas carried by the humans since the very growth of human civilization.
Social media will be the tool to clean the human consciousness, brighten human wisdom.
And a new human being will emerge, courtesy social media.
It may seem somewhat difficult to imagine right now as it would have been difficult for a man of last century to imagine that there will be box called TV, in which humans will be shown walking, talking & laughing.
Hence my dear friends, respect social medias, bamullhaza, hoshiar, Mahrajadhiraj Social Media is coming.
(3) Facebook is better than your Faithbook .
(4) disease spread by Facebook.
(5) The people who are posting just their photos on Facebook all the times, I understand they have no brains, if they had they must have been posting something else also but no, they know to use Facebook only as a modelling website.
(6) Females are highly over praised here, reason India is still a Sexually starved country. So beware gals!
(7) In the older times, it was said that if U wanna take a revenge of a man, spoil his son by making him a drug addict.
The saying has changed, now, if U wanna spoil the husband of a lady, put him on the Facebook.
The saying is applicable on the female world also.
(8) Greatest statuses, I come across often:---- Hi, Hello, Good morning, Good evening, Good night, Had a great lunch, going to sleep, Got up, cleaned my teeth, walking, drinking..... peeing & defecating..... littered toilet , cleaned commode ~:Voila, what a creativity, what an originality, what an intellect!!! How brainy!! M!!! Grrrrrrrr....8.....9....10...!
(9) Statuses are more like Conscious mind.
Inboxes more like the subconscious mind.
And conscious is many times just a facade of subconscious mind.
(10) If U are not ready to face criticism, then do not publicize your views on FB. What is this, " My views are just my personal notes, personal, subjective feelings, have nothing to do with anyone else"? If so, what is the use of posting on FB, I am really amazed!! Or do you believe in getting goody goody responses only? If so, make a note with each of your post.
(11) Beware Facebook people! Do not fall prey to "U scratch my back,I scratch your back syndrome". If feel like criticizing, do that honestly like a real friend but in soft & rational manner. Criticism does not mean condemnation, it is expressing honest views, positive & negative both, upon a certain issue
(12) The people in our Facebook friend list are not our friends, friendship is something very deeper than Facebook friend-list. Here all kinda people come. Friends, foes, acquaintances, non-acquaintances.
These people can be friends, there is a probability. A few outta thousands can be real, true friends. So better call it a probable friend list.
(13) Beware Facebook people! Long distance relation-Ships drown generally, we need our dear to be our near too.
(14) Brevity is the soul of wit--more appropriate for FB posts--long posts are ignored generally. But these days, I am experimenting long posts only. The ones, interested shall read me any way, I feel I deserve that much.
(15) While posting on FB many times ideas which are always with me, take a clearer shape, may be happening with other friends too.
16) A secret. Sometimes the people who may be giving Likes/Comments on your posts may be doing it very casually & someone who never gave a single Like or Comment may be taking notice of your every post & comment and liking deeply too. I have felt this practically.
(17) Why FB is so popular? One reason, because people were kept apart from knowing each other. Now they have become obsessive.
(18) Why most of us like FB more than watching TV/Movies? Because here we are Heroes/ Heroines/ central Characters ourselves & we are not just inactive audience here, we ourselves are active characters here, am I right/wrong?
(19) FB is a free media, so people express/see the views which are anti-Govt.,anti-establishments freely, they become more aware.
(20) Smoking/ Drinking/ Facebooking might be addictive & injurious to your health. Now U can never blame that U had not been warned.
(21) FB is just like a world, in fact another world, called virtual but more candid, more real than the real world, because people open up their sub-conscious minds here.
(22) Thanks to Facebook as it has given wheels to all kinda odd quotations but the only issue is people do not care many times to give credit to the originators.
Whenever I come across something beautiful at Facebook, I get suspicious & as I Google, to much of surprise and grief, mostly it is stolen.
(23) FB people should share their own piece of Life than just copy-pasting quotations or words of some other well known people. I wanna say that these famous/notorious people lived their lives, you are living yours, see things with your eyes, listen with your ears, express your own experiences or thoughts in your own words, that is far far better than great views of great people.
And if you will apply your brains even the mundane looking things may produce Genius Gems.
(24) Many people feel FB is just for finding GF or BF, nothing bad, but they should know that FB is something far far bigger than just a Mating Site.
(25) FB helps people keeping Fit, when they post their photos, they know these pics are going to be seen by one & all friends, so they start keeping themselves fit & get fitter & healthier automatically.
(26) Sites like Facebook are great help to humanity, humans need self expression, who are not listened by anyone, they start self conversation or may be victim of some other mental disease.
(27) Expression is sheer joy for me.Orgasmic.Earlier I used & but my accounts were blocked there. Hope here I will be allowed to stay.
(28) Here at FB I feel as if I am at some adda with my friends, I do not feel that FB friends are just FB friends, sitting at some remote part of this world, But feel them like real friends & treat them like real life friends & would like to call them all at one place & chat with them, crack jokes with them, play some games with them, sing & dance with them, Hope some times in future this may happen, until then Love U all, ............
I feel whosoever miss college days, they can re-live college life here at FB.
(29) BLOCKING, it is such a great application of Facebook that if it would have been in real life too, life would have been so easier.
(30) Garbage in, Garbage out.
Why even see posts of shitty people?
Another good reason to make your FB friend list shorter.
(31) Most of the people do not know the basic etiquettes, neither in life nor at FB. Does being in your list mean that I should post according to your wishes?
FB posts are for sharing ideas, views and news. You may agree or dis-agree.
If you do not agree with someone, either stay away or present your views in a respectful manner.If you indulge in personal attacks or foul language, you might invite a backfire.
And finally blocking.
Is this a right way, I think certainly not.
So behave or stay away or get out.
(32) Being in one's list does not allow anyone to comment anyway.
Better read your FB friends posts before indulging directly.
I have written and do write things, which can shake and stir and make utterly happy or unhappy many people.
So better be with me or stay away from me.
And if one chooses to be with me, and chooses to comment on any of my posts, one must control one's emotional outburst.
One can show dis-agreement but without colouring language with any personal attack or emotional touch.
(33) “The Delhi Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, 2007"-- It is illegal to spoil other's walls. The same applies on FB walls. FB walls are private arena, should be used by others very rarely and that too very carefully.
(34) Facebook is modern Ganga (Ganges). Everybody becomes so pious after taking the first dip, only Gyan, only purity, virtues flow out of everyone here.
(35) The new candidate had no experience hence could not get the job, he had no experience because he could get no job.
You can not make friends on FB because, you donno them, you donno them because you could not make them friends. Ha , what a rut?
(36) a) As a smile does not mean a smile always, similarly a LIKE on Facebook does not mean a like, don't get deluded, dear me.
(37) A LIKE of Facebook is not a LIKE always, I LIKE the comments which actually I DISLIKE, the LIKE I give, is just for participating, not for the content of the many finer layers....I have liked some pages, that does not mean I LIKE those, I LIKED only to see what they are up-to. I LIKED just to see what kinda BAKWAS they write............bottom line is, even a LIKE on FACEBOOK might be a DISLIKE in disguise.
(38) Facebook groups are democratic generally. Anyone can post and comment.
Whereas Facebook Pages are dictatorial. Only the admins post.
Hence I like GROUPS over the PAGES.
(39) 2 Suggestion to Facebook--- First, there is no point in showing the original of an edited comment. Why Facebook shows what the writer do not wanna show? Facebook should stop showing the original versions of the edited comments.
Second, to be a better Network site, Facebook should collect all the "LIKES" and "COMMENTS" of a shared status and show at every place, so that one and all interested in that particular status may seen the whole game.
(40) The ways to save your work on FB----
i) First the official way.You can download the whole of your FB account, if you wanna, just go into account settings, then go to General. There is this option of downloading, you will be informed within 24 hours that your download is ready and just be given a link to download and lo you are to start downloading now.
ii) Now the unofficial way.If you wanna save your work on FB, just click on your name, then on activity log, then select what you wanna save i.e. your comments/ photos/ Likes/ your posts or everything, choose what you wanna save & just go on scrolling down, opening "see more" buttons, after that just right click anywhere on the page & you will find "save as" option, now save as, save wherever you wanna save in your computer, this whole content will be available offline with you, for further safety, put that content online elsewhere i.e. on you e-mail or some cloud server or G-drive etc.
(41) The Romeos who often inbox Hello/ Hi
Mostly they get back Bye/ GoodBye
(42) I do not unfriend anyone generally
I simply block the idiots.
This point is relevant for people like me, who really dislike their work being stolen. And also for the people who think stealing others' work from internet is quite harmless.
Whatever you write, as you write you get the copy right.
Whatever you steal, as you steal, you are noway right.
The ones, who do not respect my copy right, I m NOT SORRY to say that I can not respect them, on this particular issue.
Simply I do not support copying other's writings or any thing, it is a theft on one's intellectual property.
You learn something from someone's writing, if it is somehow useful for you, that is great, all writing are for that purpose but it does not mean that U are allowed to copy paste other's words....
U can do it differently, use your wisdom, experience and re-write according to your understanding, that is okay.
Now, how much has been just copied or how much is re-used like a re-use of wheel in a car, that is a different story and that is why in the whole world court cases are fought over this issue.
And I am amazed, how difficult it is to make clear to my friends!
Patents, copy rights and trade marks are protected under intellectual property rights.
As a theft of any kinda physical property is considered a crime so is considered theft of intellectual property.
A few vital things are to be understood regarding these laws.
There is saying, "There is nothing new under the sun", which is right and but partially only.
Just take an example of a motor cycle, the technique of cycle, motor, wheel & iron casting etc is used in it, all already invented, still the appropriate use, aggregate of all these already invented things gives birth to a new thing, motor cycle, an invention.
Similarly, if you just copy paste something, without adding any value to the original text, you are infringing intellectual property law but if you give a twist to the original meaning, it is not a theft. An example, there is saying, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, then someone changed it as beauty lies in the eyes of the beer holder, see, the one, who twisted the first statement can not be called a thief, as the one has changed the whole concept.
Indian Flag and Flag of Congress party of India has much similarity but still as the central emblem is different, it is not considered intellectual property infringement.
So next time, my dear friends, if you steal or allege someone for stealing, kindly keep my words in mind.
Statutory Warning---- I am no advocate, kindly cross check my words.
a) It is totally free if you are using some unlimited wi-fi plan.
b) You should talk as they talk in armed services, with every pause, they say "over" so the person at the other end understands that it is his/her turn to respond. Why? Because whats-app phone call's sound travels slower than that of the the ordinary phone calls. You are also not supposed to utter a single word, until your hear "over" from the other side.
c) And in the end you can say "over and out".
d) Now enjoy the whats-calls with this little understanding. Not perfect. Troublesome but it is FREE, remember.
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