Monday, 29 June 2015


Even after knowing, one do not know.
Knowing can give a misconception of knowing.
One can go on living in an oblivion of knowing. 

Seems paradoxical, I explain. 

Knowing can be knowing of words only. Shallow knowing.

A class 4th student, living in an English speaking atmosphere can perhaps understand a play of Shakespeare but perhaps by word meanings only, can he understand the life experiences of what William Shakespeare wanna convey through those words? Perhaps not, because he has not seen that much life to relate the contexts, to compare the different aspects of life.

Knowing can be knowing of words' meaning. But still not knowing the meaning deep enough to get penetrated into one's life.

Almost everyone knows that physical exercise is good but this knowing remains knowing only, this knowing is not so much knowing which could penetrate into one's being.It remains at surface only and one go on living in an oblivion of knowing.

Knowing is a very tricky thing.

Do you know, what is the meaning of Sanskrit word "Ved"? It means "knowing".
Do you know what is the meaning of Sikh? It means a learner, one who is a seeker of knowing.

Understand this knowing, do not be a victim of knowing, be a master of knowing.

With the advent of internet, today it is very easy to know different things, and people go on collecting all kinda garbage.

Knowing what to know and what not know, very important.

You know and you know that you know. ...OK.
You don't know and you know that you don't know.....that too OK
But you don't know and you don't know that you don't know....that creates the problem.

Sometimes you don't know that you don't know.
And sometimes you don't know that you know.
And sometimes you know that you don't know.
And sometimes you know that you know.

This knowledge is really a tricky thing.

Confused. Good. Confusion is a very high state of mind.

Be confused, never be fused, but be confused.

There is nothing bad in being confused and there is nothing good in being fused.

Clarity comes outta confusion.

Know it.

All friends, welcome, participate plz.

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