Saturday, 20 June 2015


He had been awarded Nobel for saving childhood of 80,000 kids.

What message is being conveyed?

Society should award, respect such people who save childhood.
In-fact society should save childhood, save children from being bonded labor, save from slavery, educate them, feed them.

Do you think efforts as that of Mr. Satyarthi are going to be fruitful at gross level?

No, never.

It is a self deception, hypocrisy of our society. This Nobel prize is just a tool to avoid the real problem, to save ourselves from the real issue and the real solution. 


Because the real solution is not going to be that easy. Real solution is somewhat tough.

First understand the real problem, the root of the problem.

Why there is childhood slavery? Because there are poor kids, but kids are never poor, every kid is born rich, rich with happiness, rich with wisdom, rich with life itself.

Then why there is childhood slavery? Only because we have devised a stupid society. Because we have created richness and we have created poverty. Because we have created a society that is very much financially imbalanced. Poverty is not Nature-gifted, poverty is man-made. And worse is we have given right to produce children to each and everyone. Because we have given right to produce unlimited number of kids to the everyone.

Now, see if the right to produce a kid is something very much individualistic, why should I or you be concerned? 


Simple line of logic.

We should not be and we are not generally.

But then we are mean people, if we never think of such unfortunate kids, who will never get education, nutritious food, respect, life full of life.

Then someone like Mr. Satyarthi is worthy of getting Nobel because he helps such unfortunate kids.

Nope, very much a wrong process.

If we really want to help such kids, then we should recognize work of Mr. Satyarthi but as secondary kinda work.

What is primary work then?

Primary work is stopping unlimited right to everyone for giving birth to the kids.

Even 100's of Mr Satyarthi are not going to help and firstly why should they help, someone goes on giving birth to kids and there is Mr. Satyarthi to help those kids, what the rut? What the fuck?

That is not going to help the humanity, you go on giving Nobels, that is not the way.

Just re-organize the society.

Put a hold on right to Child birth.

Make a rule, you cannot give birth to a kid until you are healthy enough, until you are educated enough, until you are earning enough. And if you have all these factors still it does not mean that you can go on producing unlimited number of kids, no, it will be seen that how many number of people a particular geographical area can sustain easily, according to that calculation, you will be allowed to produce the kids. Flash a clear message that society is not going to bear your kids, Mr. Satyarthi is not going to bear your kids. You, yourself are responsible for your kids, hence first be responsible, first be capable enough, then we will allow you to re-produce yourself.

Further, the people should be educated to get better female eggs other than their own, better sperms other than their own for their kids so that they may have kids better than both the mother and the father.

Further, the people should be educated to leave the idea of private kids, as people use the idea of car pooling to save the fuels and decrease the traffic jams, they can have KIDS POOLING, I mean that a certain number of families can have common kids. Why should each family have individual kitchen when you can a common pantry? It is far more economical. It can give you more variety of food, it can save your money and time . Similarly why have a personal kid, why not have common kids? 100 families can have 10 common kids, each family can play with and care for 10 kids, so much fun, so much joy and so much less burden on earth.


Now all the capital of the 100 families may be inherited by 10 kids, so much less poverty.

Like these.
Such are the way outs.

Tougher ones.Society is not gonna accept easily.
Hence go for the easy way-out, the way outs which may be appreciated by the society, give Nobel to ones like MR.SATYARTHI.

Easy Game!!!


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