Saturday, 20 June 2015


You must have seen Hindi movies “Avtar” featuring Rajesh Khanna and “Baagbaan” featuring Amitabh Bachchan, in such movies only one sided picture of the society has been shown. It is depicted that kids do not care for their parents. Parents are victimized by their kids, especially the ones who sacrifice every bit for the present & future of their kids.

Right, this is right. But this is only partly right. There is another aspect and that too quite contrary. Let us see with me.

1) Exactly from the point of time of the conception of the child, atrocity of the parents begins, who told them to bring a child in the world. Did the child sent a telegram to them or a sms or an E-mail, any invitation? No, it is the wish and choice of the parents alone. But later on an impression is given to the kids as if the parents has done some favour to the kids by bringing them on this earth and bringing up the on the earth. Now, these parents be asked, it is you alone who are responsible for their births, then who is responsible for bringing up these kids except you and how come it is a favour to your kids? I do not think there would be any reasonable response from the parents. There is a saying among Indians, that a son must pay off his Pitri rin (Father Loan, the loan which the son owes because he had been given birth by the father, brought up by the father).

What a stupidity! 

2) Moreover the kids, especially the sons are produced like assets, who would earn for the family and would help in sustaining the whole household. They are considered just like an investment, which will give return throughout life to the parents. And if the kids wanna come out of this mental slavery, if they wanna live more for themselves & less for the family, they are considered treachers, someone gone astray. Everyone wants a son like Shravan, who died while serving his parents but did someone raise a question what did Shravan get in return?  Apparently nothing.

What a shame!!

3) Do you know why there is always a discord between Hindu and Muslims, between Shias and Sunnies, between Buddhist and Muslims? Because of the parents. Wrong parenting?

The old generations go on throwing their garbage on the new generations. They go on making them robots. 

In my colony, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, there used to be a school, Saint Saviour, on the main gate of this school, on one side there was a statue of Shravan carrying his parents on his shoulders in two baskets for the pilgrimage and on the other side of the gate there was a statue of Eklavya presenting his thumb to Drona. 

Now the parents want their kids to be the idiots, who should die serving them. 

And the teachers want their students to be the idiots, who can be easily conned by them like Drona. Drona, who took the thumb of the right hand of Eklavya as a tuition fee, even without teaching him anything, making Eklavya in-efficient to remain a good arrow-man, removing a possible threat to the princes of that time, whom Drona served.

What a parenting and what a teaching!!!

4) The parents do not understand that the time is changed, they know less than the kids nowadays but they feel that they must be consulted, not only consulted but their advice must be adopted and acted upon by the kids. They go on irritating their kids. Drastic changes have come in the social life during last two decades. But the parents rarely understand, they are not ready to change with the changes, hence the conflict arises and their relationships with their kids go on souring.

What a misunderstanding!!!!

5) Many parents do not give any capital to their kids; they keep all the property intact in their own names fearing that the kids will start living separately and there will be none to take care of them. But this is absolutely wrong; I have seen many children getting old themselves, waiting for the deaths of their parents. Do you know, when a very elderly person dies, superficially the household shows the grief, they weep and cry and makes the whole melodrama but inside almost everyone is happy. 

A good riddance! And an opportunity to live a better, fresh and an open life.

What the Fuck!!!!!

6) Many parents just feel jealous, or confused when they see their kids enjoying life, laughing and spending money over themselves. Why? Because these parents have never laughed in their lives, never spent money on themselves. They do not wanna their kids to live the lives because they themselves have never lived their lives. And for them money is something never to be spent, it is something to be saved always, saved for the next generations and the next generations should also save it for further for the next generations, never to be spent by anyone. 

What the suck!!!!!!

7 ) It is said that the kids do not do sewa ( care & service) of their parents but I wanna tell you that many parents do not accept the sewa of their kids; they go on abusing their kids without any reason. They go on whining and complaining always. They go on belittling their kids, they go on finding shortcomings of their kids, and they never praise their kids. Even the worthy kids. Kids are not someone to be praised. Never. Kids are some damned things. Always to be rebuked, always to be abused.

What the hell !!!!!!!

8 ) Many parents want their "danda" (baton/authority), their authority, their supremacy even over their grown up, married kids, they do not want love of their kids. This all they take as granted for. This all is duty of the kids. No issue. But they want that their words be final in every matter of the household. They want their dictatorship in the family. They want the kids should always be dependent upon them, they want their kids to remain always their sons and daughter, never rise enough to be the fathers and mothers of their kids. 

They just cripple their kids. 

What the heck!!!!!!!!

9) Many or most of the parents wanna fulfill their unfulfilled wishes through their kids, what they could not do, what they could not become, they wanna do, they wanna become through their kids. A father who is a peon under an IAS officer wanna make his kid an IAS officer, now the kid wanna be a footballer. A mother, who is a beautician wanna make her daughter a model, the daughter wanna be scientist. And many-times the parents win and the kids lose, but the kids lose their lives.

What a loss!!!!!!!!!

10) Here in Delhi many parents live alone in their old houses with servants and we often get the news that they were murdered by the servants or by some intruders because they are easy targets. And why this happens, because these elderly people live alone, they could not cope with their new generations or these older people did not wanna sell their houses even when the kids were settled far away or these older people did not wanna share the liquidity raised by the sale of this property with their kids.

What a death!!!!!!!!!!

11 ) I do not mean that every parent is like that what I have described above but every kid is also not like that as considered by the society in general. If some discord arises between parents-kids relationships, the reasons might be contrary to the general assumptions of the society which favours the older people generally.

Let us see the real picture, let us strike the balance.

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Tushar Cosmic

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