Tuesday, 23 June 2015


(1) The ones who are promoting Modi as good statesman, I wanna ask where was his good Governance when Muslims were being killed in his state? Was not he in the power?
Someone who could not rule a state in a good manner, how can eligible for ruling the country?
Now do not tell me what the courts say.
Courts could not prove anything in any kinda riots.
Could the courts prove someone guilty for Delhi riots against Sikhs?
No, court judgement are not proof of anything.

(2) BJP hacked the socio-politico-econo changes of India by Modi hype.
Ill-fate of India.

(3) !!!! Why I discard Modi as PM of India !!!
I do not accept this kinda democracy, this is not a democracy, the word democracy is just being misused....No......the voters did not vote for Modi, Modi took their votes and there is a vast difference between the two...Modi took the votes by using money, by corporate propaganda...now suppose there is a person who had far better vision and will for the betterment of India but no money, no means, how would India avail the wisdom of such a man in such a system...no way....I totally discard this system...and I have given in details how we can erect a real kinda democracy...........how we can get the real intelligence of this country in the main stream of politics.
These 1825 days had not been given to Modi, these days had been abducted by him, by RSS...........this a false democracy, this a false system and this is a fallacy that Modi represent India, no.
(4) !!!!! ~Delhi Zoo Tiger Episode!~!!!!!
A lot of said in this regards, mostly RUBBISH.
Why I say so, let us see.
Why the man got into the arena of the tiger?
Because the fences were either non-existent or not capable enough to keep the human and the tiger apart.
Why the man got killed after getting into the area of the tiger?
Because there was no adequate system to deal with such a situation.
This is called lack of management, lack of Governance.
An example of bad Governance of Mr. Modi.
I was amazed to see that a lot many people were blaming the boy who got killed, but none blamed the management.
This is blindness, when you become blind to some ideology, you fail to see its shortcomings.
Had there been a good Governance in India, everyone should have been tested medically, lest someone under the influence of intoxication get entered the zoo.
Had there been a good Governance in India, there should have been fences, high enough to keep the tiger and the human beings apart.
Had there been a good Governance in India, there would have been enough number of guards, with latest equipment to control such situations.
Had there been a good Governance in India, there would have been no such a ZOO.
Animals and birds are not for humans. They also have the right to live freely. Would we like to be put in a zoo, where animals come to see us with their kids and families?
No, never. Freedom is the ultimate value, be given to the animals also.
I had been already concerned about animals, so had written already in regards of this issue in IPP agenda,

AGENDA #77---सब पशु पक्षियों को चिड़ियाघरों से आजाद कर दिया जाएगा, वहां सिर्फ बीमार, घायल पशु पक्षियों को ही रखा जाएगा...जिन्हें ठीक होते ही कुदरती ठिकानों पर छोड़ दिया जाएगा
इस मामले में PETA जैसी संस्थाओं से और मेनका गांधी जैसे लोगों से जिन्होंने इस क्षेत्र में अच्छा कार्य किया है, सलाह मशवरा लिया जाएगा |
(5) Modi Bhakt, "Be Patient"
Opponents,"Hmmm.......Yes, we can understand that you will not be satisfied until you get us admitted into a hospital permanently and take the bitter doses continuously.No?"

The bigger thing is disarmament....the world needs disarmament.
A real leader should convince, not only our people but people of our neighbouring countries, but people of the whole world for disarmament.
The whole world is wasting money on arms and armies.
Mutual Fear.
Why not resolve it?
Did our great PM ever thought of asking our neighbouring countries for disarmament? Did he made an international call?
Before armament, one should try for disarmament.
Buying arms, a waste of money for one and all.
Why not appeal for that?
The world is changing drastically. A global culture is being evolved. We are becoming global citizens, courtesy internet. Humans are equal everywhere, they are facing almost equal problems. Who likes to waste money on imaginary fears.?Hence today a call of disarmament has more chances of being heard.
A leader should , a real, an intelligent leader should have made an international call, tried his/her best to convince people of the world for disarmament and if not heard, then should have certainly done whatever essential. That would have been the way.
Do people like Modi have such a world view?
I do not think so.
That is why I call them shallow, hollow.
(7) Mr. Modi wearing special dress with his name, my take---- There is no harm in enjoying any kinda self obsession.Though somewhat immature, but can be enjoyed at one's own expenses, no big issue.
But this is very much immature for someone who is PM of a Nation.
And very much offensive if enjoyed at Public money.
(8) We all gonna suffer further price rise. Contrary to what has been promised by Modi & company.
Another "Chunaavi Jumla".
The result of voting for the idiots...giving the clear majority.
At that time India needed a mixed Govt and a good opposition. BJP was a decades old party, what people thought, hoped, imagined, I am really amazed!
I again predict until BJP/ CONGRESS is washed out, until some people wiser than Kejriwal step in, India is not gonna find its solace.
Mark my words dear friends.

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