Sunday, 21 June 2015

Concept of Gurudom, a passe:

Someone asked me, "Who is your Guru?"

" laughing ...myself...Life itself." replied I.


Never make anyone your Guru, as people often make,  never, it is just like pledging your wisdom to someone else, a mortgage which will never be released.

It is just like seeing with the eyes of someone else, walking with the legs of someone else.

Had the nature wanted this, it had never given separate pairs of your own.

There is a saying in Punjabi ," Shah bina patt nahi, Gur bina gatt nahi." it simply means that none can save one's honor in society without the upper-hand of a moneylender and none can move ahead without the help of Guru.

Both faulty concepts, disordered social values, why should someone borrow and why should someone lend, why should be the need of a professional moneylender, only because society is deeply dis-harmonized financially.

And why should some particular one be a Guru, why not the emphasis be laid on developing a learning mindset instead of the need and importance of a Guru? What will a Guru do, if the one does not wanna learn anything?

In my view, the whole emphasis should be laid on becoming a good student, as the disciples of Gobind Singh ji are called Sikhs, a Sikh is someone who wanna learn, ready to learn.

It is better said , "Waho waho Gobind Singh, aape gur aape chela", which means Gobind Singh was awesome, own Guru, own disciple.

I feel that greatness, awesomeness be expanded more, expanded to the Cosmic level, everyone should be disciple of the Cosmos and a Guru too of the Cosmos.

I find that the whole cosmos is a Guru, a teacher, the one who knows how to learn can learn even from the stupid most individual, the one can learn not to be a stupid like that one. Hence it depends upon the learner, what he learns, how he learns. 

Instead of accepting any single individual or single thing as your Guru, be open to the Cosmos, be open to every moment, everything, everyone. All can be a Guru.

And accepting single one as a Guru is harmful, it closes one's eyes to the others, turns one's eye-view prejudiced, intelligence paralyzed.

My humble suggestion to all of you my friends is, walk with your own legs, see with your own eyes, think with your own brains and never get bedazzled with any name, be it the most lustrous, no matter. A borrowed wisdom is no wisdom.

You can learn from anywhere, anything, anyone and anyone can learn from you, it is mutual learning. None Guru, none disciple or everyone a Guru, everyone a disciple, some bigger, some smaller.

Keep yourself open to the Cosmos, to the whole, never close yourself in the cage of someone else, not even of yours own, be open, be cosmic, ready to learn from every direction, every moment, everyone, every thing, including yourself.

Don't be a guru, nor a disciple, be cosmic, be friends, and indulge in sharing, friendly sharing, mutual learning.

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