Sunday, 11 December 2022

Love of Dog---Love of God-- Really?

Man is a social animal.

But street dog lovers have become anti social. How?
Street dogs have become a huge problem in cities like Delhi. They bite, they bark whole night, they pee and deficate anywhere. Parks and streets are their toilets.
And these Dog lovers! They see only the plight of dogs, not of their neighbors.
~ Tushar Cosmic

I dis-approve present-day voting system

 I don't vote. Not only me, but many people like me also don't vote. Does that mean that we don't vote?

No. We are voting by not voting. We are voting against all the candidates, against the whole system of selecting candidates and campaigning. We are voting against present-day democracy.

We are rejecting the whole political idiotic system. Try to see the invisible votes and you shall understand what is the meaning of not voting. Why don't I go and vote for Nota?

None of the Above (Nota) is rejecting only the candidates. If Nota gets the maximum votes, re-election is held with new candidates.
But I am not rejecting only the candidates. I am rejecting this fake democracy, this whole political system.
Simple. ~Tushar Cosmic

Love Jehad is a Reality

Looking around my vicinity, I see a lot of Hindu girls married to Muslim men. Good! But why have all these girls converted to Islam? Why these men didn't leave Islam? Why their kids are Muslims, why not Hindus? Isn't such marriages a technique to spread Islam. A technique of Islamisation of a society by converting its girls to Muslim via marriage and increasing the number via making the kids born out of such marriages Muslims only. Just think.

For me, Love Jehad is a reality. In Love-marriages with Muslims, it is not only that Muslims are hiding their identities. No. If they don't hide their identity even in such cases, Muslims don't leave their religion, only the Non-Muslims have to convert to Islam.

~ Tushar Cosmic

~ Tushar Cosmic

Muslims are not a Minority in India

Approx 14% and they are a minority? No. After Hindus, Muslims are the second biggest religious community in India. How can they qualify for being a minority? Jains or Sikhs or Baudhs can be minority, not Muslims. Moreover, in a secular country, why this concept of minority or majority? For a secular state, all are equal.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Questioning Modi Govt.

 "Har Ghar Tiranga" is a Political Gymic like "Har Har Modi- Ghar Ghar Modi".

Don't get befooled. We are nowhere in Olympics, per capita income, and Happiness index.
The slogan is just a tool to fool.
Modi Govt is in power just because of the fear of Muslims among the Non- Muslims. Otherwise, this Govt is failing in improving Health, education, judiciary and policing, and traffic of the nation.
No improvement in infrastructure, good at Marketing.
Modi.....Modi .... Modi.
Modi Govt is more involved in peripherals than in Central things.
Spends money on Cheetahs instead of Humans.
It Changes the names of roads instead of improving roads qualities.
It Launches "Swachh Bharat" instead of actually making India a cleaner country.
It Launches "Azadi ka Amritkaal" than actually making India a Republic.
Pereferrals only, nothing to hit bull's eye. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Ramdev shouldn't criticise Allopathy? But Why?

 Supreme Court says that Ramdev shouldn't criticise Allopathy.

Great !
See, now all kinda criticism is becoming blasphemy, becoming "Contempt of Court".
You can not criticize Allopaths. But Allopaths can take freebies from Big Pharma, can operate unnecessary Caesarean surgeries, can take commission from pathlabs by referring unnecessary tests, can reject Homoeopaths and call them quacks..yes ..they can!
~ Tushar Cosmic

God & Religion




~ Tushar Cosmic

Dogs are gods.

 Dogs are becoming gods.

If a dog bites you, no offense.
If you bite a dog, you might be jailed.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Arguing with Theists against Religion is Useless

Never argue about religions with staunch religious people. They have become religious by renouncing rationality.

They believe in flying a monkey and a donkey.
They believe in the afterlife though none has sent any SMS or email after dying.
They believe in a God sitting somewhere in the Himalayas or Space or under the Ocean though nowhere He has been found. They are strangely irrational creatures.
Nature made human beings capable of being the most intelligent but religions turned them into super most idiots.
It is useless to argue with theists on Religions. These people believe in strangely illogical things.
Someone's god ate Sun, and Someone's diety cut the moon. And the Holy books got downloaded directly from the sky!
And Muslims! You cannot criticize anything in Islam, if you do, you might get hurt.
Why argue then?
~ Tushar Cosmic

Understand clearly that what is not Obligatory.





~ Tushar Cosmic

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Gyms are frauds.

 Gyms are frauds. A muscular body with 6 pack abs doesn't mean a healthy body. So many healthy-looking people have died in Gyms. So many professional bodybuilders have died recently.

Go to the parks or any other open spaces. Do moderate exercise. Eat vegetables and fruits and whole grains. Drink water from a pitcher. Leave everything else.
Most of the edibles are not eatables.
And you are healthy. ~Tushar Cosmic

No Condolence Meetings on Deaths please.

A very impressive thing I read in the Death Note of Cyrus Mistry published in a News Paper, "No Condolence Meetings be arranged".

Yeah, No Condolence Meetings. These meetings are very boring, depressive, and sickening.
I also declare hereby that there must not be any Condolence meeting after my death.
~Tushar Cosmic

Death..come anyway..welcome


I see people scared of Death.
I am not.
Come anytime.
I have lived my life fully.
What does that mean? Living like Royals?
No. It means, that whatever life offered to do, I did fully. Every day. Every moment. That is it. If I write an article, I write fully, put everything into it. If I do Yoga, I do whole heartedly. Like that. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Hindi film Industry, as it is, must be finished

 Hindu Brigade is trying its best to finish Hindi film Industry feeling that it is against Hindu beliefs.

I too want the same but for different reasons.
Films are not for entertainment alone. No. Films create a culture also. And Most of the films are just garbage which created cultural garbage.
Actors and singers have become gods. No. They don't deserve that much money and respect.
Stage actors are usually better. People like me are better writers than film writers. And so many other artists deserve a lot more than this filmi rubbish.~ Tushar Cosmic

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Best Dining Table and Best Bed

Do you know, what is the best Dining Table in the world?

It is the Earth.
Just sit on the floor, sit cross legged. Rather squat and eat and enjoy.
Do you know, what is the best bed in the world?
It is the Earth.
Sleep on the floor, just use a durry or a carpet
if you want.
There is nothing better than sitting or sleeping in the lap of Mother Earth. ~Tushar Cosmic

You have been conned that at a certain age you get old, you die.

Age is nothing except a number. You have been conned that at a certain age you get old, you die.

Anyone can be aged at any age and die at any age. Age has very small impact upon becoming old and dying as compared to the impact of your "thinking" that with the passage of time you are becoming older and drifting towards Death.~ Tushar Cosmic

you shall be so POOR that you shall have nothing except money.

Most of you are just money making machines.

Eventually you shall be so POOR that you shall have nothing except money.
No music, no dance, no science, no philosophy, no art, no play, no meditation. Nothing shall be left with you.
You shall become fuckin filthy rich IDIOTS.
~Tushar Cosmic

Tax on Sex

Indian Govt must increase salaries of its statemen and the office bearers.

Presently these salaries are very very very low.
Of-course the Govt can increase taxes on the Public.
It can introduce a new tax.
"Tax on Sex."
Every casual or formal Sex must be taxed. Heavy tax be implemented on honeymoon.
After-all Govt people are to be paid.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Define Blasphemy

"Ram sent Sita to the Jungles when she was pregnant."

Okay. Is it Blasphemy?
But this is written in Ramayan.
No. No. This is defamation of God Ram. This is Blasphemy.

Courts are Societarians, not Trutharians.

Courts are Societarians, not Trutharians.

Courts' decisions are according to the social norms.
Normal norms.
Courts see what the Crowd see.
Courts hear what the Crowd hear.
Courts feel what the Crowd feel.
And Crowd is often wrong.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Blasphemy & Contempt of Court-- both laws are against Humanity



Contempt of Court,

both these laws are against the

free speech,

free thinking,

free society,

free humanity.

Must be abolished.

~ Tushar Cosmic

Allopathy has conned you.

Allopathy has conned you.

Tablets and Injections and Surgery is not treatment.
Movement is the real Treatment.
Movement is the Medicine.
Move or Lose, lose your health, lose your Life.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Saturday, 18 June 2022


 To give employment to the public, is not the duty of the Govt.

But to create and maintain an atmosphere in which the public may earn its livelihood, is the duty of the Govt.
If a society goes on giving unlimited birth to the kids and seek free food, free education, free health treatment and then employment also from the Govt, and if doesn't get all this, who is responsible? Govt?
No, it is a social fallacy, not a failure of the Govt. Every job should be Contract based. Do the assigned work, get the settled money and get lost. Why to get the arrangement fixed even for 4 years like "Agneeveer"? It should be monthly basis, daily basis, hourly basis. Simple. As any private job system is. What do you say?

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

A Joke

 Today is not my birthday in ordinary sense but actually it is because everyday is a new day and it gives birth to a new me.

The old one dies and the new one is born. So send me genuine wishes and genuine Gifts. A Bullet. do not expect a Bullet train. No.
I aspire for a Bullet motorcycle. Royal Enfield. It is really a Royal thing.
~ Tushar Cosmic

Another Pollution

You must have heard of air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution.

The pollution about which I am going to write, you might not have heard or thought.
Light. Light Pollution.
Light too is generating a kinda pollution. Too much light. 24 hours light. Absence of Darkness in human life.
Darkness is important for generation of great things. All seeds break out in the darkness of mother earth. All kids take birth in the darkness of mother's womb.
Have you felt that it becomes difficult to sleep in a well lit place?
Have you seen the people who are to be tortured are kept in too much light?
Too much light can make you mad.
It is making you mad in fact.
Hence avoid light.
Artificial light, I mean.
Have you seen people taking candle light dinner?
So soothing.
Hope you got the point. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Me and Our District Park

I go to District park in the morning. It is a huge park. One cycle 1.75 km.

At one point, often labour is taking breakfast. Roti, Subzi etc.
Squatting and eating.
I think, "Why can't I sit with them?"
But then I think, "Why to disturb? They must be having food as per their need. Why make it short for them?"
But I may ask something any day and accept it like Prasad.
Tushar Cosmic

Selfie maine le li aaj

With the advent of FB, IG and other social media platforms, we have become too much self conscious.

"Selfie maine le li aaj".
But it is telling a true tale. Many embrace an awful death, just for taking an awesome selfie.
But look at yourself.
Are not you also one of them?
Are not you frequently posting your photos, your dog's photos, your food's photos?
Is all this worthwhile?
What value it adds to anyone's life?
Be sane.
If you wanna write, then first study. If you wanna be seen, then learn something worthwhile, valuable, positively extra ordinary....then post and Lo! You may get the name and fame and money all. But never go on posting self-centred shitty things. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Talent is not something in Genes

 Talent is not something in Genes. Not at all. It is all upbringing.

Upbringing can make you an artist, scientist, world-class player, poet, novelist or a first class IDIOT.
It is the environment, not the heredity, my dear that plays the main role in your life.~ Tushar Cosmic

I am ir-religious

I am an ir-religious person as you know.

But I bow before a Cobbler.
I hug trees.
I touch the sand of running track to my forehead.
I greet all the Guards of the District Park in the morning.
I offer a cup of tea to the sweeper.
I kiss my Dumbbells.
I could do more such silly things, if I had more money.
I am ir-religious.
~Tushar Cosmic

Small dips of Meditations

Earlier I thought that a Meditator must be in the Meditative state for hours.

I tried the same for myself. Failed.

But I understood that it is easier to be in Meditation for small times. For a few minutes. Some times for seconds only. But that too is something Heavenly.

These small Dips. Every one should learn small dips of Meditations, learn to remain with oneself, with the Self. It is a Gift to oneself. If you miss the Meditation, you have missed the Greatest offer of the life. ~Tushar Cosmic

Thursday, 2 June 2022

अमेरिका के स्कूल में घुस के एक 19 साल के लडके ने 19 बच्चों को और 2 टीचरों को मार दिया

अमेरिका के स्कूल में घुस के एक 19 साल के लडके ने 19 बच्चों को और 2 टीचरों को मार दिया. और आप सपना पाले हैं अमेरिका में बसने का. छोटे-छोटे स्कूली बच्चे, ज़िन्दगी देखने पहले ही रुखसत कर दिए गए ज़िंदगी से. बिना किसी कसूर के. क़त्ल कर दिए गये. क्यों? चूँकि अमेरिका में हर कोई बन्दूक रख सकता है. आसान है. तो फिर हर कोई हर कोई को कभी भी मार भी सकता है. मार भी रहा है. वहां युद्दों में इतने लोग नहीं मारे जा रहे जितने इस तरह से मारे जा रहे हैं. यहाँ भारत में भी लोग गन रखे जाने की वकालत करते हैं, कभी नहीं दी जानी चाहिये, वरना जिसका भी भेजा फिरेगा, वो ऐसे ही कत्लेआम मचा देगा. जिन के बच्चे मारे गए, उन माँ बाप का क्या हाल होगा? सोचिये ज़रा~ तुषार कॉस्मिक

दीन-धरम अपनी आलोचना से क्यों डरता है?

यदि आप के नबी सच्चे हैं, आप के अवतार सही हैं तो फिर आलोचना से काहे की परेशानी, काहे का बवाल? चिकने घड़े पर पानी कहाँ टिक पाता है? नबी नबी हैं, अवतार तो हैं ही स्वयं भगवान. उन की आलोचना से फर्क ही क्या पड़ना है? उल्टा जिन को शँका होगी भी कोई, तो वो भी निरस्त हो जाएगी. ईमान-धर्म और पक्का हो जायेगा. और निखर जायेगा. लेकिन आप तो उल्टा करते हैं, यदि कोई कुरान-पुराण से ही कोई बात निकाल दिखाता है जो आज आपतिजनक दिखती है तो आप aggressive हो जाते हैं. इस से तो शंकाएं और मज़बूत होंगी कि ज़रूर दाल में कुछ काला है.

आप यूँ समझिये कि विज्ञान की किसी भी थ्योरी को कोई भी कभी भी चैलेंज कर सकता है, है या नहीं. वैज्ञानिक कोई झंडे-डंडे ले निकल पड़ते हैं कि नहीं, यह न होने देंगे? कि हमारे Newton की, आइंस्टीन की शान में गुस्ताखी हो गयी?

नहीं न. आलोचना से, चैलेंज से विज्ञान और दो कदम आगे बढ़ता है, निखरता है. फिर यही बात दीन पर, धर्म पर लागू क्यों नहीं? बताएं? ~ Tushar Cosmic

"मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया" Versus s "सोशल मीडिया"

"मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया" और "सोशल मीडिया" दोनों में कम्पटीशन है. दोनों एक दूजे को झूठा बताते हैं. लेकिन "मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया" समाज और उस से भी बढ़ कर सरकार का भोंपू है.

सोशल मीडिया काफी कुछ खुला खुला है, जहाँ कोई भी लगभग कुछ भी लिख सकता है. अभी तक का सब से खुला मंच Telegram है. यह WhatsApp जैसा है, लेकिन उस का बाप है. वैसे तो आप को "मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया" और सोशल मीडिया दोनों से जुड़े रहना चाहिए लेकिन "मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया" न भी हो, तो भी सोशल मीडिया काफी है. सही न्यूज़ और व्यूज मिल ही जाते हैं, बशर्ते आप ने बुद्धि भी लगाई हो. ~ तुषार कॉस्मिक

Spammy World

So much spam!

Too much spam!
Deleting-n-blocking unwanted messages from WhatsApp/ Telegram/ FB/ sms box/ email box has become a daily job.
Marketing calls, pre-recorded ones also, is another nuisance. I disconnect, block and then delete these numbers from the call list. Shit!
You make a call, first your service provider gives you an information regarding its services, then the person whom you have called shall force you to listen to the song or Bhajan of his choice.
What the fuck!
It has become a spamming World.
Smart Gadgets are being used day-night to make us dumb. ~ Tushar Cosmic

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Flipkart की ऐसी की तैसी/ Online शॉपिंग के नुक्सान

फायदे भी हैं, वो फिर कभी. आज नुक्सान और दिक्कतें. 

मेरे व्यक्तिगत अनुभव के साथ.

Flipkart से जूते मँगवा लिए भई. Adidas. पैसे दिए गए. डिलीवर हो गए. जब पहने तो टाइट. तुरत  return के लिए डाल दिए. 

Pickup करने जो आया तो वो ले ही नहीं गया. बोला इस में जो बार कोड है, वो मैच नहीं कर रहा. हम ने फिर pickup के लिए डाला. 

अब एक लड़की आई. वो तो over-smart. बोली इस में original डब्बा नहीं है कंपनी का. हम ने कहा. "डब्बा जो मिला उसी पर स्टीकर लगा है, जिस पर सारी राम कहानी छपी है." लेकिन नहीं, वापिस छोड़ गयी.

फिर Flipkart को सम्पर्क करने का प्रयास किया. तो आप सीधा तो फ़ोन कर ही नहीं सकते. आप रिक्वेस्ट डालते हो callback की और फिर वो वापिस फोन करते हैं.  मैंने सारी कथा बांच दी. अगले ने कहा, Higher Authority बात करेगी. मैंने कहा, "करवाओ बात." उस ने कहा, "Callback आएगा. " 

ठीक है. मतलब आप सीधा तो बात भी नहीं कर सकते. अगलों को जब सुविधा होगी, वो फोन करेंगे. उन का फोन आया, तो मैं स्कूटी चला रहा था, नहीं हुई बात. फिर complaint की.  लेकिन बात हो ही नहीं पाई Higher Authority  से. 

मैं हैरान! "क्या बात करनी है, उन्होंने मुझ से?" मैं सब तो बता चुका. जूतों की, डब्बों की फोटो तक भेज चुका था. 

फिर मुझे इ-मेल आया कि मैं अपना id भेजूं, फिर पैसे रिफंड मिलेंगे. बढ़िया! बैंक अकाउंट डिटेल पहले ही ले चुके थे वो. अब id भी चाहिए थी. 

खैर, मैंने वोटर कार्ड भेज दिया. Pickup करने वही लड़की आई , लेकिन फिर छोड़ गयी. वो लोग अब सिर्फ ड्रामा कर रहे थे. जूता वापिस नहीं लेना था. सो नहीं लिया.

मैंने लिखा, "मैं सोशल मीडिया पर लिखूंगा."
लेकिन उन को कतई कोई परवा थी ही नहीं. मेरे पैसे मिटटी हो गए. 

अब पीछे मुड़ कर देखता हूँ तो ऐसा लगता है कि  Flipkart Seller ने जानबूझ कर गलत Bar Code लगाया होगा, जानबूझ कर Original Box नहीं दिया होगा ताकि प्रोडक्ट वापिस न हो पाए. Flipkart ने जानबूझ कर ऐसा कर रखा है कि ग्राहक डायरेक्ट इन को e-mail न कर पाए, फोन न कर पाए.  सब  कण्ट्रोल अपने हाथ में रख रखा है. 

कुल कहानी यह है कि हमारे पैसे पहले चले जाते हैं. अब प्रोडक्ट खराब निकले तो हम इन की दया दृष्टि पर निर्भर होते हैं. पैसे वापिस मिलें न मिलें. ऐसे में नतीजा यह निकाला कि ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग बहुत ही ध्यान से करो और बहुत ही कम करो. 

आप अपना एक्सपीरियंस लिखें. मुझे बहुत ही गुस्सा है flipkart के खिलाफ. इन कि तो ऐसी की तैसी. 

तुषार कॉस्मिक