Saturday, 11 February 2017

::: Promise Day special :::

A concept is floating that there should be only one promise that there should be no promise. Love should not bind but set free. A love that binds is no love at all. The 'you' of today may not be the 'you' of tomorrow, so how can you make a promise, how can you be so sure of the future?

Come, let us look into this concept deeper. 

First, there are promises everywhere in life. Life cannot move an inch without promises. 

Suppose FB promises that we post and it may or may not show the post, would you or I be here? Most probably not.

Would you send your kid to a school that does not promise to keep the one safe? Never. 

Promises are everywhere. Concrete. Subtle. Written.  Unwritten. Everywhere.

Even Nature promises to give you the fruits, provided you sow a good seed, take all the care needed to nurture it.

Now come to Male-female relationship. Love. Even in this Love, there are certain promises. For example, one promises to keep the other safe, secure.

People in love, a love that sets free,  can sleep with anyone, right? This may be called Freedom, right? But what if they transfer AIDS, is this freedom? Can this kinda freedom be allowed? No.

There are always some promises. Freedom lies within those promises. Traffic rules bind you, but bind you to move freely. 

One more thing, when people in love, offer such a freedom in which they set the other free to love anyone else, sleep with anyone else, they start becoming indifferent to each other. Such a love cannot exist. Such a love is just an imagination. Because Male-female love is based upon certain kind of possessiveness. If there is zero possessiveness, there would be no such love. It would start evading soon.

In fact, male-female love is against human psychology,  anti-nature, just an outcome of sex-deprivation. A male & a female can be interested in each other and may be interested in a  monogamous relationship, but this may be an exception, not a rule. For a short period of time, it may happen, but a life-long commitment may be rare.  So the love we see today, is just a feverish  kinda thing. Sex deprivation gets oriented in the shape of romance, this so called 'love', romantic love, which is based on possessiveness. Everything unnatural, but then there is a certain nature of this unnaturalness. Things go in the way, as I have expressed, not the other way round, not the way which says love should not bind but set free.

Freedom does not mean, no promises at all. Freedom lies within reasonable promises, not out of the promises.

So I conclude that the concept that there should be only one promise that there should be no promise, is a fallacy. Love that sets you free, is just an imagination.

There are Promises, always. So take care, these should be reasonable ones because freedom lies within the Promises but within reasonable ones only. The unreasonable promises can lend you in jail, can ruin you, can mar you. 

For example, you enter into a wrong 'Legal Contract' and you are finished.

So be careful. You cannot escape "Promises", in love or not-in-love. The only thing you can do, is to Promise and get Promised reasonably.

Namaskaar....Tushar Cosmic.

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