Friday, 3 July 2015

!!! Hindu is not a way of worshiping, it is way of life, it is a culture, it is civilization !!!

Let us re-think.

First there is no is only an un-civilization, which we call civilization... 

A junglee society, just living under the garb of culture, 

Vulture people living under the garb of culture...

Just scratch little a bit and all culture is gone and underneath there is a junglee person.

And to tell you the truth Hindu is no way of was just a word used for the people living in a particular geographical had nothing to do with any worshiping or religion or sect or any particular way of life.

Actually the people who were called Hindus, they had no particular way of life, people were eating flesh, even cow then some people were vegetarian, some worshiped idols, charvak mocked at them.

Here the society admires marriage and you will find brothels everywhere in the history and in the present times.

Here you will see Ram insulting women in Valmiki Ramayan and female worshiping him in the temples.

Here you will see people like Nanak, Kabir, Cahrvak, Budh, Mahaveer and many more who never said that they were Hindus or propagating Hinduism but still you will find people calling Jains, Sikhs, Buddhist as Hindus. Just an old Brahman backed sect, just trying to overload their theory of Hinduism.

Here you can see so many kinda bullshit.

There was/is no particular set of life,which can be defined as Hindu way of life, nothing. This word Hindu is meaningless.

But it has a general, particular meaning. This word "Hindu" denotes a particular sect of society who goes to temples, who worship Ram, Krishan, Shiv, Durga etc,who celebrates Diwali, Dussehra etc, a particular sect.

This word cannot be used for all the people living here in Bharat. The word HINDU denotes a very old, rotten un-civilization. So this word must be discarded as a word for describing almost the whole population of Bharat.

The word, Bhartiya, bhartawasi is far better, easily acceptable.

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