Thursday, 2 July 2015

Navratre, An Event to brainstorm ourselves

1) They kill the girls in the womb and worship girls in Navratre. Hypocrites!

2) They do not wanna give the fair share in the property to their sisters and worship girls in Navratari. Hypocrites!

3) In every city, every town daughters of the society are forced to live a wretched life, a lifeless life in the brothels and they worship girls in Navratri. Hypocrites!

4) Girls Name----Seema--सीमा-- (The Limit)/ Boyz Name----Aseem--असीम- (The Limitless). Hypocrites!

5) Remove the fear of law and society and most of the men will rape almost every female of the society and they worship girls in Navratri. Hypocrites!
We have seen all such things in 1947 and every other communal riot.

6) In cities like Mathura, Vrindavan widows of the society, daughters of this holy society are forced to live like dead bodies, just waiting for death and they worship girls in Navratri. Hypocrites!

7) Their dynasty name is carried by the sons of the family only, hence only the sons are the torch bearers of the family name. Hence the daughters are always considered "praya dhan" (पराया धन) to be given in charity as "kanya daan", who will breed sons of the family of her in-laws. And they worship girls in the Navratre, Hypocrites!

8) हमारा समाज एक उलझा समाज है....स्पष्ट जीवन दर्शन नहीं.....

यहीं राम पूजे जाते हैं जो ज़रा सी बात पर एक स्त्री को जीवन भर के लिए कुरूप कर देते हैं.....और फिर अपनी पत्नी को अपमानित करते हैं........

कृष्ण कपड़े चोरी करते हैं, नहाती लड़कियों के....कभी कोई लडकी पूजी इस देश ने जो ऐसा करे ........

बुध पूजे जाते हैं .....जो अपनी पत्नी बच्चा छोड़ चल देते हैं .......

और फिर यह भी कहा जाता है ...यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते, रमन्ते तत्र देवताः

9) Dandiya, Garba Dance & CONDOMS & THE MORAL
“These dances are performed during Navratras for celebrating Maa Durga’s Puja but hope you won’t be surprised to know that sales of the CONDOMS gets increased very much during these days. Should not Indian society learn something from this fact?”

10) In the name of Bhagwati Jagrans and Kirtans, we make so loud voices, noises that the lives of the neighbors turn a hell on that particular night.

11) In the name of the religious processions, we choke the whole traffic system almost to the death. In Delhi, these days, people from far and away have started taking "jyot" from Jhandewalan Mandir. These people go on dancing on the roads on loud music, creating sound pollution and traffic jams.

12) We, Indians submerge idols of Durga and Ganesh in the ponds and the rivers on the festival of Durga Puja and Ganesh Puja, forgetting that the poisonous paints and the chemicals used in these Idols will kill fish and other creatures of these ponds and rivers.

13) Bengalies and some other people of India, kill animals in the name of sacrifice to the Devi. Idiots! Hypocrites!! If your goddess becomes happy by these sacrifices, why not slaughter your kids on the altar? But alas! There are some idiots who go to such limits also.

14) Fasting & changing the Food is good in Navratri because the season changes Gear from Hot to Cold or Cold to Hot every six months, so the immune system needs extra strengthening to face this change of gear smoothly, hence special healthier diet & the fasts are recommended during these days.
But it does not mean that on the 10th Day, the people should compensate drastically the restrictions of these 9 days, but alas many do the same & even in the name of the fasts, eat deep-fried potatoes, worse that the ordinary daily food. Fools!

15) Do U know why all Mata Mandir are in deep Mountains, because it is Mother Nature only depicted as Durga, Kali etc.? There is no Kaali or Peeli Mata except Mother Nature.

16) Please come out of the hypocrisy only then we have any right to celebrate such festivals OR perhaps then there will be no Need of such festivals, perhaps we celebrate these festivals just to solace ourselves or to deceive ourselves.

I can support anything what can be explained logically or psychologically but not the illogical ones.
Kindly see here below, what foolish things we have done in the name of women empowerment.

17) (i) Navratri/ Reminder of Women Empowerment----She can have sex with anyone willingly but can get the male jailed any time just declaring that it was a rape, This is called the real POWER.

Jai Mata Di.....

(ii) Navratri/ Reminder of Women Empowerment----She can do any stupidity in the family after marriage but if hindered she can get husband and his family jailed under Domestic Violence Act and 498-A, This is called the real POWER.

Jai Mata Di.....

(iii) Navratri/ Reminder of Women Empowerment----she will not contribute in the finances of the family in which she is going to live, any contribution from her side is DOWRY, which is illegal but immediately as she is married , she will become half the owner of the property of the Groom, This is called the POWER.

Jai Mata Di.....

(iv) Navratri/ Reminder of Women Empowerment----The woman is Shakti, Power, Navratri are a reminder, a six monthly reminder. Yeah, of- course, she is Power, powered by BIASED INDIAN LAWS.

Jai Mata Di.....

18) Durga Mata be shown in a new form. The concept of Sheran wali Mata is a creation of the old world. The new Mata should ride a bike more advance than Harley Davidson Motorcycle instead of Lion, wear bullet-bomb-proof, atom bomb proof very decorative helmet, wear high class bullet-bomb-proof jeans jacket instead of Sari, carry AK-56 or even advance super-gun in one hand instead of Sword, in another hand super rocket launcher instead of Bow-Arrow, in another hand Atom Bomb instead of Sudarshan Chakra.

As we progress, our deities too should progress, in fact, they should always be ahead of us. No?

19) एक नयी देवी, मेरा अविष्कार :---

संतोष मात्र से उन्नति में बाधा होती है, सो संतोषी माता जी को आराम करने दें

भोला होना कोई गुण नहीं, हाँ अवगुण अवश्य है, सो भोले बाबा को भी जाने दें

लक्ष्मी की पूजा सहस्त्राब्दियों से करते आये हम, फिर भी अधिकांशत: निर्धन ही रहे, सो इन्हें भी सोने दें

वैश्वीकरण के समय में भारत माता वैसे ही अलग -थलग पड़ जायेंगी, सो इन को भी छुट्टी दें

AK-56,Rocket launcher के ज़माने में तीर तलवार से रक्षा न हो पाएगी, सो दुर्गा जी को भी विसर्जित कर दें

एक नयी देवी आविष्कृत की है मैंने, अभी-अभी,
"बुद्धि देवी",
इन्हें पूजें मत, वो इन्हें बिलकुल पसंद नहीं,
बस इन के साथ खेलें
खूब खेलें

फिर शायद ही ज़रुरत पड़े किसी और देवी की या देवता की................ जय बुद्धि मां, ओह! गलती हो गयी, इन माता जी को तो जयकारा भी पसंद नहीं, चलिए इन्हें खेल पसंद है, खेल ही शुरू करतें हैं, और जैसे ही हम ये खेल शुरू करेंगे तो जानेंगे कि यदि हम अपनी बेटियों को बेटों के बराबर मानें और हर संभव प्रयास करें कि वो आर्थिक तौर पर सक्षम हों, उनके लिये ज़यादा से ज़यादा रोज़गार के अवसर बनायें तो समाज संतुलित होता चला जाएगा और असल मानों में हमारी बेटियों का पूजन हो जाएगा और हमारी स्त्रियाँ देवी का दर्ज़ा पा जायेंगी, अन्यथा रहे मनाते ये बचकाने उत्सव, बनाते रहें उलटे सीधे कानून, कुछ बेहतर न होगा, उलझे हैं, उलझे रहेंगें.

सप्रेम नमन
तुषार कॉस्मिक

कॉपीराइट मैटर, चुराएं न समझें

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